gs25 반값택배 보내는법 GS25 Half Price Courier Reservation Price Period How to Receive How to Send

gs25 반값택배 보내는법Let’s look at how to make a reservation for GS25 half-price courier, how to receive a price period, and how to send and receive GS25 half-price courier at a convenience store.
To send half-price courier, make a reservation online, go to GS25 convenience store, enter the reservation number → measure the courier weight, print out an invoice, pay the courier fee to the convenience store staff, and submit. On-site registration is also possible without an online reservation.

[Order of posts]
1. How to make a reservation for GS25 half-price delivery service
2. How to send GS25 Half Price Courier
3. GS25 half price courier price
4. GS25 half-price package delivery method
5. GS25 half price courier period
6. Receive GS25 Half Price Courier

Let’s take a closer look at how to send GS25 half-price courier (how to make a reservation online and then apply at a convenience store).

You can register as a member or click the non-member reservation.
I agree after reading the contents of the half-price courier reservation terms and conditions.

Check the precautions for half-price courier.

The sender’s address (enter the return address) is required.
If the recipient does not pick up the parcel at the destination convenience store within the deadline, it will be returned to the sender’s address and the sender will be charged a return fee.

To enter the arrival convenience store (the convenience store the recipient is going to), you must search for it by clicking Find Convenience Store and then select the corresponding convenience store on the map.
After entering everything and clicking ‘Make a Reservation’, the reservation is completed and the next page informs you of the reservation number.

After making a GS25 half-price delivery reservation, visit a nearby convenience store and receive half-price delivery.
How to send GS25 half-price courier is as follows.
You can send parcels at GS25 convenience stores equipped with postbox equipment by following the procedure below. (Prepayment only)
Parcels received before 9:00 am will be dispatched on the same day, and parcels received after 9:00 am will be dispatched the next day.

Press half-price courier on Postbox equipment.

Click on non-member registration

After entering the reservation number
After measuring the weight, print out the delivery invoice and attach it to the box.
Deliver the delivery box to GS25 staff and pay the delivery fee.

You can do everything at convenience stores without making reservations online, but doing so takes a lot of time.
GS25 half-price The courier price depends on the weight of the courier, and there is no additional charge for shipping to other areas.
However, Jeju Island can only be shipped within the province.

GS25 half price courier price according to courier weight
0 ~ 500g 1,600 won,
501 ~ 1 kg 1,900 won
Over 1kg ~ 5kg, 2,300 won.
※ If the sum of the three sides of the delivery box exceeds 80cm and the weight exceeds 5kg, it cannot be accepted.

The GS25 courier delivery process and arrival information are notified to the recipient via KakaoTalk.
When you receive a notification that the parcel has arrived at the receiving store, click the ‘Customer Verification QR Code’ at the bottom of the notification and show it to the store staff or inform the waybill number and receive the package.

※ etc
Jeju area is only available within Jeju Island.
Non-face-to-face collection is possible if you receive it at a store that has BOX25 installed.

Ships within 4 days including the date of receipt.
The same area is also possible within 2-3 days.

Parcels that have arrived at the destination must be received within 3 days.
If not received after 3 days, it will be returned to sender address.
From the GS25 half-price delivery reservation, we learned how to print an invoice at a post box at a convenience store, how to send a parcel, how to receive a parcel, delivery period, delivery period, etc.
I hope the above information will be of some help to you.

gs25 반값택배 보내는법
