유튜브 채널 차단 How to block a YouTube channel user is simple! – My daily life will be perfect

유튜브 채널 차단In YouTube, if you watch a video or a video with a single theme for a long time, the algorithm recommends the video you are interested in. However, sometimes channels I don’t like or don’t like are recommended. These channels continue to upload videos even if I click I’m not interested or don’t recommend the channel. In this case, you can use the YouTube channel user blocking method. There are also people who leave malicious comments on my channel on tubers. Please note that you can also block those people in this way.

Go to the YouTube channel you want to block. Then there are various categories such as home video playlist community, etc. In many of these categories, it goes into “About”. Then you will see a flag icon in the lower right corner, let’s click on this icon.

When you click the flag icon, you see “Block User”? If you click on it, the video will no longer appear in your recommendations or featured videos. And you won’t be able to post malicious comments on the video I uploaded,   It’s so easy and simple, right? Let’s see how to do it on mobile too.

To block YouTube channels and users on mobile, click the 3 dot icons in the upper right corner after entering the channel you want to block. Then, as shown in the image above, “Block User” appears. Click this to complete it simply. So easy and simple, right?

Now I need to know how to see the list of blocks I have blocked or how to unblock them, right? First, you need to enter the YouTube Studio channel.

After entering YouTube, I enter the studio. Then you can see the dashboard and various categories of videos on the left. If you look at the bottom here, you can see “Settings”. If you click on this setting, the community will appear, where you can see the users you have blocked. Learn how to block users on your YouTube channel!

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유튜브 채널 차단
