오뚜기 고객센터 전화번호 I reported it to the Ottogi defective food (ramen) customer center and got a reward! That’s why it’s a gattdugi?!

오뚜기 고객센터 전화번호Ottogi report review.
It was Ottogi ramen (heat ramen) that I ordered over the Internet, but when I opened the wrapper to cook it, the noodles leaned to one side and the noodles clumped together like the so-called sticky rice cake.

Originally, I was going to skip it because it was annoying, but looking at the back side, I noticed a notice about product defects.
It’s been over a month since I ordered it online, so I immediately contacted the Ottogi customer service center.

How to apply to Ottogi Customer Center

There are two main ways to report to the Ottogi customer center.
How to apply through the Ottogi website and how to make a phone call.

Ottogi Customer Center How to apply for junk food
– home page
Customer message > Inquiry type (others) > Confirm after entering details such as title, content, address, phone number, etc. > Call later > Send photos of defective parts and product label text

Receipt of defects through the website

– Phone reception (080-024-2311)
Description of defects > Send pictures of defective parts and product label text

As you can see from the process, it is better to call right away because the process is processed through ‘phone connection’ in the end.
Of course, like other places, it is not open on weekends and holidays, so in this case, it is not a bad idea to make an online application in advance.
For your information, since Infori was also a weekend, I applied online, but the work was so fast that I received a call at 12:41 on Monday.

It is better to report defective food directly to the customer center by phone.
I applied through the Internet and got a call from a counselor.
I had already written about the related content, so the counselor was aware of the defective part, and over the phone, I briefly talked about the part where the side was tilted to one side and united.

According to the counselor, it was a problem that could occur during the manufacturing process, and I was told that I was sorry for the inconvenience.
In the case of such a defect, they said that they received a picture and sent it directly to the ‘manufacturing plant’, and the reason was to review and improve the defective part at the manufacturing plant.
So, I added that I am grateful that filing such a defect report is helping to improve the product.

In fact, in the meantime, there were times when we sometimes blushed when we received applications due to product or other problems, but Ottogi’s work process was satisfactory in all parts.
All you have to do is simply get a refund for one defective ramen, but this is the first time I’ve seen a place where receptionists like this say they’re grateful.

Anyway, after receiving the story, I asked for two pictures.
– Poor ramen photo
– Expiration date photo

A picture with the faces together and a picture sent as a text message

If it is defective, it is of course necessary for confirmation, and you might be wondering why you need an ‘expiration date photo’. Right below the expiration date, another letter is displayed.
in other words. It is to identify which manufacturing line has a problem and make improvements.
As for sending photos, after disconnecting the phone, a text message (1811-8067) will come asking you to send the photo.

Oh, for reference, I inquired if defective products were being collected, but they were not collected.
And I thought I would receive only that product again because one of the ten ramen was defective, but I was compensated (?) with 5 jin ramen.
For reference, I did not receive it by courier, but I received a gift con that can be used at GS25.

Gift Con.

It’s a gift con that I just received today, I thought it would be a bundle of 5, but I received 5 in total.
It seems that it was sent in this way on purpose because it could be used at the GS25 event.

For reference, ramen that has passed its expiration date can usually be eaten for up to 8 months.
Curious about the details?
What is the difference between expiration date/consumption date/quality retention period? Ramen consumption date +8 months
Everything from expiration dates, consumption dates, and quality maintenance dates. Expiration date, consumption date, and quality maintenance period. You seem to know at first glance about the expiration date and consumption date. However, according to which criteria
I tried to return only 1 ramen that was simply defective, but 1 ramen came back as 5 ramen.
I really hate calls like this, but the response from the Ottogi customer center was really good.
Particularly impressive was the part that was identified for product improvement, rather than simply receiving defective products.

So, if other people have a problem with the product, let’s report it at this opportunity.
When these reports come together, problems in the manufacturing process become less and less common, and everyone benefits in the end.

For reference, after writing and looking for a post, other food companies are accepting and processing similar forms, so I think you can refer to other products.
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