임신테스트기 희미한 두줄 Summary of pregnancy test faint two lines (non-pregnancy, timing of re-examination of pregnancy test)

임신테스트기 희미한 두줄If you take a pregnancy test and two lines appear faintly, you may be wondering if you are actually pregnant.

Pregnancy test, two faint lines

If only one C line, which is the control line, appears on a pregnancy test, you are not pregnant. If two test lines, the T line and the C line, appear, you are pregnant. But should two faint lines on a pregnancy test indicate pregnancy?

Now, let’s take a closer look at the two faint lines in the frame.

The accuracy rate is known to be 90%, not 100%. In other words, even if two lines appear as a pregnancy test, you cannot be sure that you are 100% pregnant. However, it is true that if there are two lines, there is a high probability that you are pregnant.

So what do the two faint lines mean?
Even if they are faint, if two lines are visible to the naked eye, it is highly likely that they are positive and that you are pregnant.

If you see two faint lines in the pregnancy area, you can assume that you are 90% pregnant. Please visit an obstetrician and gynecologist to confirm the exact pregnancy status through a blood test or ultrasound.

However, if two lines appear faintly on the screen, other problems may occur, so it is best to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

① If the pregnancy test is used quickly in the early stages of pregnancy, the hCG hormone concentration may be low and the pregnancy test results may appear blurry.

② If the urine absorbing rod or reagent is broken due to improper storage of the urine sample, the urine color may be blurred.

③ Even if the pregnancy test is defective, it may be faint.

④ Even if the method of use of the implant is incorrect, it may be faint, so please read the manual carefully and inspect.

⑤ It may also be faint in cases of miscarriage due to poor implantation.

⑥ It may also be faint in cases of ectopic pregnancy, trophoblastic disease, or non-gestational tumor.

⑦ It may also be faint if you are taking medicines containing the hCG hormone. This may include taking ovulation induction drugs or injecting hCG hormone, which is used to treat obesity.

If two faint lines appear on the screen, some people use products from other companies. This method is not recommended. Since pregnancy test reagents are different for each manufacturer, the standard values ​​for measuring pregnancy hormones in the blood are also different.

Therefore, even if you can use products from different manufacturers on the same day with the same urine, you cannot get accurate results because the use of different products on different days can be ambiguous.

To improve the accuracy of the pregnancy test results, the key is to use the product correctly at the recommended time.

The recommended time to use a pregnancy test is 2 weeks after intercourse and 2 weeks before your period is due.

Depending on the product, you may be able to check as early as 4 to 5 days. However, since the pregnancy test is a measurement of hormone concentration, its accuracy must be confirmed by an obstetrician/gynecologist.

Why the test results are vague

When two faint lines appear, there are times when you get curious and purchase a different tester to diagnose the condition. It is best to retest after 1-2 days if possible.

This is because the fertilized egg implants normally in the uterus and becomes pregnant, and the pregnancy hormone in the blood doubles every 48 hours. So, if you get vague results, you can check more accurate results by re-measuring 2 days later.

In early pregnancy, the concentration of hCG, the pregnancy hormone, increases by more than 60% every two days. Pregnancy hormones reach their highest concentration at the 10th week of pregnancy and decrease thereafter.

Also, even if you go to the hospital right away when two faint lines appear, it is difficult to confirm through an OB/GYN ultrasound or blood test because it is in the very early stages of pregnancy.

Only when the baby’s nest is clearly visible in the uterus can implantation be confirmed with an ultrasound. Typically, ovulation begins two weeks after menstruation, so pregnancy can be confirmed at least 5 weeks later using ultrasound.

A blood test is more accurate than a urine test, but an accurate test is only possible at least 10 days after intercourse.
So far, we have learned about the two faint lines in the frame.
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