요소수 가격 및 주입시기, 재고확인 방법 Urea price, injection time, and inventory check method

As if we were seeing the mask crisis in 2020, the crisis is coming again this year. This time, it is not masks, but urea water. There is something that always appears when a crisis breaks out. Because of hoarding, some businesses who try to fill the gap by taking advantage of people’s anxiety have been hoarding urea and not putting it out, leading to forced collection. Therefore, the government is coming up with a quick alternative to report the status of urea inventory at any time and make prices transparent so that price information can be known.

As expected, as Korea is an IT powerhouse, Naver and Kakao joined hands.

요소수 가격


요소수 가격


Number of elements, inventory price information check thumbnail
Check element inventory price information

What is the number of elements? About the number of elements


Check urea inventory status and price information with “Naver Map”

Due to a shortage of urea, all trucks were put on emergency alert, raising many concerns about parcel delivery. Even if the number of elements has been solved a little, if you go there, you will often end up empty-handed.

I don’t know where and how it is sold, so if you go there after hearing a rumor, it will be sold out right away. Urea water is also the lifeblood of a truck.

If you don’t have urea water, the car will stop immediately, so if you don’t prepare it in advance, you will be in a situation where the car can’t move.

In particular, there was a lot of concern that the bus and delivery sector would be hit hard by this urea crisis.

So Naver stepped in.


Naver, the hottest and most popular online platform in Korea, allows users to search for ‘urea water gas station’ as a keyword on ‘Naver Map’ to check the urea water sales status and inventory in liters at each gas station.

Also, if you search with the keyword ‘urea water-focused distribution gas station’, you will be able to immediately find out the sales status of each urea water gas station in the same context, which will be helpful in making a purchase.


How to check element inventory and price information

To check urea inventory and price information, install the ‘Naver Map App’ and search for “urea water gas station”. A map will show you the on-site urea inventory and remaining inventory by liter, updated every two hours. It also kindly guides you through the route, distance, and time taken from the current location.

In addition, not only the urea water but also the inventory and prices of gasoline and diesel urea water are listed, so it is convenient to use.

Currently, looking at a place in Incheon, gasoline is 1,657 won per liter, diesel is 1,608 won, and urea water is 2,000 won.


Check urea inventory status and price information with ‘Kakao Map’

Kakao installs ‘Kakao Map’ from the Google Store and clicks the ‘urea water’ icon at the top to display urea water-focused distribution gas stations.

Kakao also posts updated information every two hours, so it would be a good idea to check it right away and purchase it before it is sold out.

Currently, the price of urea water varies from 1,000 won to 2,000 won at each gas station, so it would be a good idea to compare and then run to the nearest one.


Last year, we had a difficult time due to the mask crisis, and this year we will have to go through a difficult time due to the urea count, but this too shall pass.

If we overcome just a little bit, there will be a day when this too will be resolved, so I hope you will overcome this difficulty with hope and finish the rest of 2021 well.