남자 소자본 창업 About the average cost of starting a business with small capital and start-up items for men

남자 소자본 창업When we talk about business, it often sounds very grandiose. Being grandiose means investing a lot of capital, but investing a lot of money means the risk increases. So, anyone who wants to start a business must research and study a lot before proceeding.

Since last year, people who want to start a business are likely to have a lot of concerns due to the coronavirus. But if you don’t do what you set your mind to, that may also become a problem. If the situation has changed, it may be desirable to find answers and prepare for starting a business within the changed situation.

Challenges are difficult for everyone. Whether male or female, young or old. Of course, there may be advantages to age, but that does not seem to be the secret to success in starting a business. So today, we will learn about the average cost of starting a business with small capital for men and check what is a good item for starting a business with small capital.

According to an article in Segye Ilbo, the average cost of starting a small business is 102 million won. However, according to data released by Statistics Korea and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups in 2020, both sales and operating profits of small business owners decreased. This may be because many people have experienced and are experiencing difficulties.

​The average cost of starting a small business for men is 102 million won, and each small business owner is said to have a debt of about 171 million won. It is said that the average out-of-pocket expenses for starting a business was 75 million won, and the average sales of small business owners due to starting a business was 234 million won. It is said that most of them showed a decrease compared to the previous year.
If so, the debt holding ratio of small business owners is 50.9%, which is more than half, up 3.5% from the previous year, and the average debt amount for businesses is 171 million won. When you look at these numbers, it seems like the statistics are enough to make you think that starting a business is a debt.

Personally, I don’t think sales have dropped significantly in 2020, despite the chaos.

If the decline in last year’s statistics was due to an epidemic that the country was not prepared for, it seems that we can prepare to some extent this year.
If you think about the recent small capital startup items for men, they vary depending on the industry, but today we will talk about restaurant startups. Recently, I think it is more effective to run a small store that focuses on delivery rather than a large offline store. Since I order delivery food more than eating out, it might be a good idea to think about it that way.

Also, I think there are quite a few small capital start-up items for men, such as various cleaning and delivery services. Recently, many job fairs have been canceled due to the coronavirus situation, but they appear to be starting again this year, so it would be a good idea to search often and participate in the fair.

Most people who are considering starting a business for men are probably tired of the life of a salaried worker. And it seems like he lives with a lot of worries every day. If you decide to start a business with small capital, it would be a good idea to first decide what you want to do and what you are good at, and then consider the store location and funding depending on those items.
No matter how small the capital, a lot of money can be spent in an instant, so starting a small capital business must be done after much consideration. Recently, as the consumption of content has become very active, people are starting to start businesses with personal broadcasts that can be started with very small capital. Think about it again and again, and if you make up your mind, I hope you will focus and achieve results.

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