인터넷 속도 측정 LG LG U+ internet speed measurement: Free speed measurement site Fast.com: Naver blog

인터넷 속도 측정 LG“Are you now the 21st century internet?”

The 5G era has arrived
It seems that there are still many places where the Internet speed is not working when communicating at work.
It takes approximately 1 to 2 minutes to upload a 2GB video file as an attachment to email or Google Drive from my iMac connected to a router.
But unfortunately, the speed of those who share it varies greatly.
When receiving the 3GB file, the company representative grumbled, saying, “I just downloaded it (is it rendering??). I’ll have to work overtime today (because you sent me a large file).”
Even in the 21st century, we are still breathing under the same sky!! That’s also true for almost one or two out of three people in charge!!!!
As we all know, in many cases, it is a speed issue with the dedicated internet line or a network security issue.
And the speed of dedicated internet lines, at least in Korea,
With one phone call, you can switch to a faster dedicated line the next day.
Today, I am sharing the results of measuring speed for the first time in a very long time while changing the dedicated internet line.

Why your internet is slow!!
From now on, let’s guess simply, quickly, and accurately.

Computer: iMac 2019 model (oh, now it’s last year’s model ㅠ) 3.7GHz 6-core Intel Core i5, memory 32GB, graphics Radeon Pro 580X 8GB
-iMac had the highest specifications last year.
Internet connection: LG U+ (LG U+ Internet), router, Wi-Fi connection
1. LG U Plus 2G
2. LG U Plus 5G
Speed ​​measurement program: Fast.com https://fast.com/ko#

fast.com is a free speed measurement site provided by Netflix.
The moment you click to connect without any registration, login, or program installation! Your internet speed is already being measured.
As you know, dedicated internet lines are provided in two ways. Therefore, the Wi-Fi router uses two frequencies.
These are 2G (2.4GHz) and 5G (5GHz), where G refers to gigahertz (GHz), not G of generation.

2G has good diffraction (bending of radio waves), so radio waves reach every corner of the house, but interference is severe and
5G is said to have a narrow bandwidth but short reach and less interference.
5G is fast, but the connection may not be stable if the router is far away or there are many walls.
Older laptops may not support 5G connectivity

1. LG U Plus 2G

If you look closely, you will get results in less than a minute.
As you can see, everything is in Korean.
My 2G internet connection speed is
-Download speed 74Mbps (74 megabytes per second)
-Upload speed 94Mbps (94 megabytes per second)
Approximately, it takes about 1000Mb/74=13 seconds to receive a 1GB video file.
(I know that Mbps for Internet speed has a slightly different meaning from Mbyte for file size, but
There is no big difference, and to help you understand, I applied it as is and gave an example)

The difference between Mbps and MB/s is
It can be seen as the difference between bits and bytes.
1 byte = 8 bits
Mbps = Megabit per second
MB/s = Megabyte per second
*Please refer to the source for more details

2. The long-awaited 5G
Just refreshing!
Download 420Mbps
Upload 390Mbps
The speed was about 6 times that of 2G.
If it took 13 seconds for 2G to receive a 1GB file, it would take 2 to 3 seconds for 5G.
It can be said that the speed I normally felt was almost correct.

The 5G referred to here is not the Five Rats of hyper-connectivity, the 5th generation mobile communication.
This is the next concept of the 4th generation mobile communication LTE, and the maximum speed is 20Gbps!!
I’m talking about a mobile communication technology that is about 50 times faster than the speed just tested.
The 2G and 5G we talked about simply refer to gigahertz of frequency bandwidth.

Anyway, the conclusion is that if the 5Ghz connection is in a stable location, it would be better to connect to the wireless router and Wi-Fi using a 5Ghz connection.
If the 5G connection is unstable because there are many walls or doors between the router and the PC, smartphone, or tablet, it is recommended to connect to 2G (2.4Ghz)!!
Measure your Internet connection speed at fast.com right now.
In human terms, if the maximum speed is not even 200Mbps!!
Instead of getting annoyed by the person who keeps telling you to work overtime, try talking to the telecommunication company right away!!!
Either ask the boss to change the internet!!

T Cube Production
video production producer
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인터넷 속도 측정 LG
