무직자 청년대출 Is it possible to get a loan for unemployed youth in 2023????

무직자 청년대출Is it possible to get a loan for unemployed youth in 2023???? I’m going to find out if it’s really possible under the topic of “Every financial institution in Korea first considers credit and income when making a loan. So, unemployed people without income, especially job seekers and young people who are not employed, have more difficulty getting loans.” I’m going through it. Is it really possible to get a loan for unemployed youth? If possible, let’s find out what loan products are available. Let’s focus mainly on first-tier financial institutions. If you have poor credit, you will have trouble getting credit card loans. Take a look at the loan products to see if one is right for you and learn more about it.

This is a loan product provided by KB Kookmin Card to individuals, with an annual interest rate of 3.90% to 19.90%. The interest rate is applied differently depending on the individual’s credit rating, and the limit is 100,000 won to 50 million won, depending on the credit rating. It’s possible. The loan period can be up to 72 months, including a 12-month grace period. There is no handling fee and there is no early repayment fee. However, in case of late payment, 3% is added to the applicable interest rate, which is applied within the legal maximum interest rate of 20%. You can choose the repayment method as equal principal repayment method, equal principal repayment method, or lump sum repayment method. The only document required for loan review is your ID card.

The card all-in-one loan is for individuals over the age of 25 who do not have our card. The interest rate ranges from 4.7% to a maximum of 19.9%, and you can receive up to KRW 3 million to KRW 50 million. Interest rates, limits, and loan periods are applied differently depending on individual credit rating. There is no handling fee or early repayment fee, and in case of late payment, an additional 3% is added to the agreed interest rate, but the legal maximum interest rate is applied within 20% per annum. Repayment includes lump sum repayment at maturity, repayment in equal installments of principal and interest after deferment, repayment in equal installments of principal and interest after deferment, repayment in equal installments of principal and interest, and repayment in equal installments of principal. The only required document is identification.

Lotte Capital Credit Loan is provided to salaried earners and housewives over the age of 20. The interest rate ranges from 5.4% to a maximum of 18.9%, allowing loans ranging from KRW 1 million to a maximum of KRW 150 million, and the loan period ranges from the shortest 12 months to the longest 120 months. It can be used up to. There is no handling fee, and the bankruptcy repayment fee is waived for transactions over 3 years, and a maximum 2% fee is charged for repayment before that. In case of late payment, 3% is added to the agreed interest rate, but the legal maximum interest rate is applied within 20% per annum. Repayment is by equal installments of principal and interest, and if the loan amount exceeds 50 million won, 50% of stamp duty is borne by the customer. It’s a condition.

K-Bank Credit Loan Plus provides loans to individuals and customers who meet K-Bank’s internal screening standards. The loan interest rate is 7.35% ~ 10.55% per annum (as of January 5, 2023), and the loan limit is up to KRW 150 million. The loan period is repayment in equal installments of principal and interest: up to 10 years (1, 2, 3, 4). , 5, 10 years) and lump-sum repayment at maturity: 1 year (extendable for 10 years in 1-year increments). The repayment method is repayment in equal installments of principal and interest: The total amount of the loan and interest is divided equally by the number of months of the loan period, and the principal and interest is calculated and paid in installments every month. When the loan amount exceeds 50 million won, the bank and the customer each pay 50% of the stamp duty (loan transaction stamp tax (tax paid at the time of signing the contract)).
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