체력 기르는 방법 Introduction to ways to build physical strength and exercise food habits to increase physical strength – Dr. Cheok Cheok Research Institute

체력 기르는 방법As physical strength decreases, immunity also weakens. Modern people who lack exercise often find their daily routine difficult. Since physical strength is the most basic element, managing physical strength can be considered as important as anything else.
Today, we will find out what methods are available to build physical strength.

If you do aerobic exercise consistently, you can improve your body’s respiratory system and cardiovascular function.
The basis of physical strength is closely related to the oxygen carrying capacity of our body, so improving cardiopulmonary capacity through aerobic exercise is the best way to improve physical strength.

Swimming is a representative aerobic exercise. Swimming requires a lot of mental ability and consumes a lot of stamina, so it is a great exercise for building stamina.

Jumping rope is an exercise that uses a lot of energy compared to the exercise time, so it is very good for building physical strength. However, people with bad joints or who are overweight should be careful.

When you go to the gym, the most popular equipment is the treadmill. The treadmill, which allows you to exercise for a long time starting with light walking, is an aerobic exercise recommended for beginners.

Jogging for more than 30 minutes a day is very helpful in lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and improving physical fitness.

Circuit training, which involves performing several movements in a row, not only burns a lot of calories, but is also very helpful for cardiorespiratory endurance. To avoid injury, it is best to practice basic movements safely and then gradually increase the intensity.

Doing strength training is also a good way to build physical strength. If you combine aerobic exercise and strength training, you can create synergy.
Strength training builds muscles, which can reduce the burden on joints and bones and also helps prevent injuries.
In particular, modern people spend a lot of time sitting at their desks, which causes many problems with muscle balance. At this time, if you maintain your body balance through appropriate strength training, you can prevent unnecessary consumption of physical strength.

Accumulated fatigue is a major cause of depletion of physical strength. If you recover from fatigue by getting a good night’s sleep, you will become more energetic and your body will become more active.
An active lifestyle is very helpful in improving physical strength and brings positive energy to daily life.

Water is an essential substance for our bodies. Lack of moisture causes problems in various parts of our body, and most modern people suffer from water shortage.
Drinking more than 2 liters of water a day helps blood circulation and prevents unnecessary waste of physical strength.
It is a good idea to develop the habit of drinking water occasionally in your daily life.

Just eating clean food can improve your physical strength. Junk food or instant food creates bad gas in our body, which interferes with blood circulation. When we consume healthy foods, we can supply clean blood to the cells and organs of our body and our condition will improve.

If you have good physical strength, your brain function will also improve. If you lack physical strength, everything starts to go wrong.
For health, for a vibrant life, for the health of my mind, one of the basics of health management is physical strength management.
Let’s all be healthy!

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