1주택 전세자금대출 Summary of lease loans for single-home owners – Real estate investment diary

1주택 전세자금대출Real Estate Investment Diary

It is expected that many people are curious about whether owners of a single home can also receive an additional lease loan. 20.06.17 Some of you may have heard that the requirements for lease funds have been strengthened due to real estate measures. Today, we will take a closer look at a comprehensive overview of rental deposit loans for single-home owners.
To conclude, even a single-home owner can get a lease loan. If you own a house with a market value of 900 million won or less in a non-regulated area or an area subject to adjustment, an additional lease loan is available. However, if you already have a jeonse loan and the market value of the house you own exceeds 900 million won, it may not be possible to extend the jeonse loan at the time of extension. It would be a good idea to check this with the relevant financial company in advance. Of course, even those who own two homes or have a home worth more than 900 million won may be able to get a loan from a second financial institution, depending on the financial company.
However, as you know, due to the 20.06.17 real estate policy, if you purchase an apartment worth more than 300 million won in a speculative area or overheated speculative area, additional lease loans are restricted. Let’s take a closer look.
The important thing is that whether or not a lease loan is available depends on whether the contract was signed after 20.07.10 or before. If you signed a contract before July 10th, you could avoid the regulations, but for those who signed a contract after that, the use of jeonse loans was restricted. However, this applies only to apartments exceeding 300 million won in ‘speculative areas and overheated speculation districts’. Since it is applied, the regulation does not apply if you purchase an apartment worth 900 million won or less in a ‘regulated area or non-regulated area’ or an apartment worth 300 million won or less in a ‘speculative area or overheated speculation district’.
20.07.10 At the current time when real estate measures are applied, if you receive a lease loan, you must enter into an agreement not to purchase regulated apartments. And after signing this agreement, if you purchase a regulated apartment exceeding 300 million won, you must be careful because the lease loan may be recovered immediately.
The last one is the warranty limit. 20.07.16 As a real estate measure, the guarantee limit for leased loan was also reduced. Of course, the guarantee limit is different for each guarantee company. – Korea Housing Finance Corporation (KRW 200 million) – Housing and Urban Fund (KRW 300 million) – Seoul Guarantee Insurance (KRW 300 million) ) You can receive a lease loan up to 80% of the lease deposit within the guarantee limit of each guarantee company.
If you own an apartment worth more than 300 million won in a speculative district or an overheated speculative district, and you inevitably have to take out an additional lease loan, there is a way to avoid the 20.07.10 real estate measure. The following is a way to receive a jeonse loan for ‘actual needs such as job change and children’s education.’ ① Due to reasons such as job transfer, children’s education, parent support, nursing care, treatment, damage from school violence, etc. ② In case of moving out of the location of the purchased house and purchasing a leased house ③ City investment district where household members will actually reside in both the purchased house and the leased house ·Even if you own an apartment worth more than 300 million won in a speculative district, you can get an additional lease loan.

So far, we have looked into the conditions for a jeonse loan for a single homeowner and the regulations on jeonse loans that have been strengthened due to the 20.07.10 real estate measures. In a situation where household debt is continuously increasing and the burden of borrowing is increasing due to interest rate hikes, excessive additional borrowing is something to be cautious about. Nevertheless, if you inevitably need a deposit loan, please carefully check the regulations and precautions related to lease deposit loans and prepare accordingly.
[Press release on implementation of measures related to jeonse loan among ‘20.6.17 measures]
[Refer to the article related to signing up for rental deposit insurance]
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1주택 전세자금대출
