인터넷면세점 이용방법 정리 및 출국일 변경 Summary of how to use internet duty free shops and change of departure date

How to use online duty-free shopping while traveling abroad Duty-free limit: $800 When traveling overseas, the biggest advantage is using duty-free shops. However, while there are cases where you can use duty-free shops at the airport, there are also cases where you can use duty-free shops online in advance. So today, we will learn about how to shop online at duty-free shops when traveling overseas.

인터넷면세점 이용방법

인터넷면세점 이용방법

Hide table of contents
1 Overseas travel duty-free limit of $800
2 Domestic flight duty-free limit amount information
3 Scope of Internet duty-free shop use
4 How to use online duty-free shops while traveling abroad
4.1 Current status of representative internet shopping malls
4.2 ▶ Go to representative internet shopping mall
5 What to do when changing the departure date after using an internet duty-free shop
6 finish
Upon departure, duty-free limit for drinks changed to $800 for two people ▶
Overseas travel duty-free limit of $800
When a Korean travels to a foreign country, there is a set duty-free limit for purchases at duty-free shops. According to the taxation law, there was a purchase limit system of less than USD 5,000, but now the regulation has been eliminated.

However, it is true that the purchase limit at duty-free shops has disappeared when a Korean national leaves the country, but the duty-free limit upon entry remains the same. The duty-free limit upon entry into Korea is set at USD 800, regardless of nationality.

Goods purchased overseas or acquired free of charge, such as as gifts, and goods re-introduced after being acquired at a domestic duty-free shop are subject to self-report if the total price exceeds USD 800 (duty-free range per traveler), and in this case, taxes must be paid. Customs clearance is possible.

The duty-free range of traveler’s belongings per person is USD 800, and separately, 2 bottles of alcohol (total volume less than 2 liters, total price less than USD 400), 200 cigarettes, 60 ml of perfume (alcohol and perfume brought in by persons under 19 years of age) (excluding cigarettes) is tax-exempt.

How to use duty-free shops when traveling to Jeju Island ▶
Domestic flight duty-free limit amount information

Next, there is a purchase limit at designated duty-free shops that can be visited when departing domestic flights such as Jeju Island, and the limit is said to be based on the duty-free shop special regulations for travelers from Jeju Special Self-Governing Province.

The cost per visit to Jeju Island is less than 600 dollars. And there is a limit of 6 per year. Goods purchased at designated duty-free shops on domestic flights are considered domestic goods as their import declaration is accepted upon receipt.

Scope of internet duty-free shop use
If you are traveling overseas, you can use an internet duty-free shop, and the condition is that you can travel not only overseas but also within Jeju Island.

However, for domestic travel, you can only use the Jeju Internet Duty Free Shop. If you look at the most frequently used internet duty-free shops, Lotte and Shilla internet duty-free shops can be used only when traveling abroad or leaving the country.

How to use duty-free shops when traveling abroad ▶
How to use online duty-free shops while traveling abroad

When traveling overseas, you can use online duty-free shops starting 60 days before departure. Although there are differences between duty-free shops, purchases can be made approximately between 60 and 90 days. Generally, it is available 60 days and 2 months in advance.

Status of major internet shopping malls
Lotte Internet Duty Free Shop
Hyundai Department Store Internet Duty Free Shop
Shilla Internet Duty Free Shop
Shinsegae Duty Free Shop
▶ Go to the representative internet shopping mall
Duty Free Shop Name Internet Address Remarks
Lotte Duty Free Shop http://www.lottedfs.com/
The Shilla Duty Free Shop http://www.shilladfs.com/
Shinsegae Duty Free Shop http://www.ssgdfm.com/store/kr/main
Hyundai Department Store Duty Free Shop http://www.hddfs.com/
Jeju Tourism Organization https://www.jejudfs.com/
To use an online duty-free shop, you must first enter information such as your passport number and departure date and flight to make a purchase.

In the case of online duty-free shop purchases, it is simple. You can shop as if you were purchasing items at a regular online shopping mall. You order the item and receive it directly at the designated delivery area at the airport on the day of departure.

Information on duty-free shop locations and addresses by airport ▶
Measures to be taken when changing the departure date after using an internet duty-free shop
If you shop online and place an order, it is important to take action when rescheduling. If my departure date changes, how should I handle my shopping order?

Since you can shop online 60 days before your departure date, you often place your order first. You can also enter dates and flights arbitrarily and adjust them later.

The standards for changing the departure party are slightly different for each internet duty-free shop, but adjustments are possible. However, if the part that needs to be taken care of in advance is carried out close to the date, errors may occur.

Basically, there are various standards, such as no changes after 180 days from the first order date and no changes to the departure date after 60 days. Additionally, the standards are different for each internet shopping mall.

Many places have established a standard of changing departure information a maximum of 3 or 5 times.

We learned about how to use online duty-free shops when traveling abroad or leaving the country and the duty-free limit of $800.

If you use the Internet, you can save time and use a variety of product lines. However, there are many things to keep in mind. So, when ordering in advance, it is important to take precautions in advance.