국제면허증 온라인발급(유효기간, 비용, 가능국가) Online issuance of international driver’s license (validity period, cost, available countries)

Did you know that you can also get an international driver’s license online? Today, we will help you easily apply for international driver’s license online. From now on, I will tell you how!


국제면허증 온라인발급


국제면허증 온라인발급


What is an international license?

An international driver’s license allows a person who has been granted a driver’s license in Korea to drive in another country.

It means license.


In order to drive abroad, you must obtain an international driver’s license as shown in the image above in Korea. You can apply at the locations below.


Where to apply for an international driver’s license

☑️National Driver’s License Test Center

☑️Police station

☑️Incheon Airport International Driver’s License Issuance Center

☑️Gimhae Airport International Driver’s License Issuance Center


☑️220 local governments in agreement with the Road Traffic Authority


Apply for an international driver’s license


However, when applying for a passport, local governments can also issue an international driver’s license. Please note that it is not possible to apply for only an international driver’s license at this time.






Apply for an international driver’s license online
In addition to the application locations mentioned above, you can easily apply for an international driver’s license online. The Road Traffic Authority’s website handles civil complaints related to driver’s licenses, and you can also apply for and receive an international driver’s license on this website.



Click the button below to go to the international driver’s license application page.

If you click on the red area, you can go to Driver’s License (Mobile) Issuance > International Driver’s License. When you click on it, you can apply after going through the identity verification process.







Countries where international driver’s license is available
As we are part of the Geneva Convention, it is possible to drive in countries that have also signed the Geneva Convention. Below is a list of countries that have signed the Geneva Convention.

Please note that, despite the validity period of the international driver’s license, the validity of the international driver’s license may not be recognized if one year has passed since entering the country in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.


What do I need to prepare for issuing an international driver’s license?


In addition, you must carry all three of your Korean driver’s license, international driver’s license, and passport with you. Since this may vary depending on the country, we recommend checking with the embassy of the country you are visiting to see if you can drive with this international driver’s license in the state you are visiting.






Precautions when driving in countries that have signed the Geneva Convention
There are many things to keep in mind, such as the direction of vehicle movement depending on the country, the driver’s seat orientation, and overtaking methods.


Even in Japan, unlike Korea, vehicles must drive on the left side, so we recommend that you know the precautions in the country you will be driving in before leaving the country.




The risk of accidents is often high because there are many sudden stops, lane changes, and reckless driving. In addition, there are many one-way streets in the city center, and you should be careful to avoid collisions when driving.


Passport photo regulations (check in advance)

Passport photos can be a bit confusing and difficult as they have to adhere to global standards. If you take a passport photo and go to the passport office, the staff at the counter who checks the passport photo may ask you to take another photo.




Vehicles drive on the left, but the driver’s seat is located on the right. You must drive carefully as the transportation system in Korea is the opposite, and wearing a seat belt is essential, so a car seat is essential.

Please check what you need to keep in mind when driving internationally in other countries. You can check the precautions when driving in the country you are leaving for by clicking the button below.