임신출산진료비 Welfare Bank > Find welfare services – Health insurance, pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses support (National Happiness Card)

임신출산진료비Health insurance, pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses support (National Happiness Card)
1. Eligibility for application – pregnant women, health insurance
Applicants for pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses support among health insurance subscribers or dependents with confirmed pregnancy and childbirth (including miscarriage and stillbirth)

※ Excluded persons
– Person receiving medical benefits (beneficiary)
– Persons eligible for medical protection, such as independence fighters, who have applied for exclusion from health insurance coverage
– Those who lost their application (resident registration canceled), those whose benefits were suspended (inmates of special facilities, those leaving the country, etc.)

2. Support details – Medical expenses, 1 million won

National Happiness Card support worth 1 million won per pregnancy (1.4 million won supported for pregnant women with multiple fetuses)
※ Additional 200,000 won for vulnerable people during delivery

3. Scope of support
– All medical expenses for pregnant women and infants under 2 years of age, as well as the cost of purchasing medicines and treatment materials

4. How to use – Payment at medical institutions, National Happiness Card
Use the National Happiness Card to pay out-of-pocket expenses at medical institutions nationwide ※ After receiving the card, up to 2 years after the expected date of delivery (childbirth/miscarriage diagnosis)
※ Any remaining unused amount within the period of use will automatically expire.

5. How to apply – In person, online
● Application for visit
Visit an obstetrician and gynecologist and check the pregnancy/birth checkbox on the application form → Visit a nearby National Health Insurance Corporation branch or card branch → Health insurance
Submission of application for payment of pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses, application and issuance of National Happiness Card

● Applicant
– The pregnant woman or her family
– In principle, the pregnant woman herself must apply, but if it is unavoidable for her to apply for registration due to a high-risk pregnancy, her family
Agent application possible

● Apply online (Click on the relevant card company to go to detailed information.)
BC Card, Lotte Card, Samsung Card, KB Kookmin Card, Shinhan Card

● Documents to be submitted
– Application for support for pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses and 1 copy of pregnancy confirmation (Form No. 2 attached) ※ Fill out the pregnancy confirmation box on the application form at the medical institution and apply to the relevant institution – When a family member applies: Proof of relationship with the applicant (pregnant woman) Documents available ※ Agent ID card, resident registration certificate, family relationship certificate, etc.
☞ Go to the social service e-voucher website for details


National Health Insurance Corporation (☎1577-1000) Health and Welfare Call Center 129, website: http://www.mohw.go.kr/
Last update: 2022-12-25 17:51:55
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