쿠팡 와우카드 발급 Earn up to 4% cash every time you use the Coupang Wow Card | KB Kookmin Card

쿠팡 와우카드 발급Coupang Wow Card customers
Earn Coupang Cash every time you use it, even if you don’t have any results from the previous month
* Promotional benefits are provided only during the promotion period
For purchases made between the 1st and the last day of each month, points will be credited on the 15th for purchases made within the 5th day of the following month (if the 15th is a weekend or public holiday, points will be credited on the next business day)
Interest-free installment usage amount, cancellation amount, short-term card loan (cash service), long-term card loan (card loan), gift certificate and prepaid card (including prepaid electronic payment method) purchase/recharge amount, apartment management fee, entire elementary/middle/high school payment , government subsidies (childcare fees/kindergarten subsidy/voucher usage amount, etc.), university (graduate) tuition, various taxes, utility fees (electricity/water), four major social insurance premiums (health/pension/employment/industrial accident), various fees and interest, Late fees, annual fees, new car purchase claim (refund) discount slips, all unauthorized slips (public transportation, airport buses, vending machines, tunnel tolls, use on airplanes, etc.)
Overdue interest rate: Normal interest rate by member/product used + 3%p, maximum within 20% per year
However, if there is no normal interest rate at the time of delinquency, the following applies.
If your credit card usage is excessive compared to your ability to repay, your personal credit score may drop.
If your personal credit score falls, you may face disadvantages related to financial transactions.
If principal and interest are delinquent for a certain period of time, an obligation to repay all principal and interest may arise.
Please be sure to check the product description and terms and conditions before applying for the card.
Financial consumers have the right to receive an explanation of the relevant product or service in accordance with Article 19, Paragraph 1 of the Financial Services and Finance Act. Please listen to the explanation and fully understand the contents before making a transaction.
If credit card issuance is inappropriate (possession of arrears, low personal credit score, etc.), card issuance may be restricted.
The card usage amount and all accompanying fees will be repaid on the designated payment date.
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쿠팡 와우카드 발급
