둥글레차 효능 고혈압 Tea that you can drink instead of water vs tea that you can’t drink instead of water

In the hot summer, when you sweat just by sitting still, the amount of water released by sweat is more than 0.5 times higher on average. Therefore, we need to replenish enough water for our health. 둥글레차 효능 고혈압

The recommended daily water intake varies from person to person, but it is about 2.5l on average. However, the amount of water we actually consume is about 1.3l per day, and the amount of water we consume through food is about 1l.


Not all teas can be drunk instead of water. Some teas can cause dehydration

I know water is good for your health, but plain water may not taste good and feel bland, so you may be reluctant to drink it. That’s why we often drink tea like barley tea as a substitute for water. However, there are tea that can be drunk instead of water and tea that cannot be drunk instead of water. ◇ Tea that cannot be drunk instead of water 1. Green tea is loved not only for its lipolysis effect, but also for its antioxidant effect due to abundant vitamins and for removing oil accumulated in the body. Particularly, exerciseers often drink green tea as a substitute for water for둥글레차 효능 고혈압 losing weight. However, since green tea contains a lot of caffeine, it stimulates the stomach and helps with strong diuretic effects, it is not suitable for drinking water as it may cause dehydration as it discharges more water from the body than the amount you drink. 2. Round rice wine is one of the tea that many people drink instead of water because it has a rich taste and aroma, is good for blood circulation, and helps with heart disease. Donggure tea is known to be good for strengthening lung function, boosting digestion, and relieving hangovers, so why shouldn’t it be drunk as a substitute for water? Since drinking a lot of donggure tea increases the heart rate too much, it is difficult for high blood pressure patients to drink it instead of water. Also, drinking too much donggule tea is not suitable for drinking instead of water because it can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. 3. Corn bran tea, which often removes swelling and finds missing v-line on the face, has excellent antioxidant properties. It also greatly helps to discharge waste and toxins from the body. However, excessive consumption of corn bran tea can cause a strong diuretic effect, which can cause dehydration and strain the kidneys. In addition, oriental raisin tea, which is drunk to relieve hangovers, is small, but it is toxic, so it is not good for the body to take it in large amounts for more than 6 months. ◇ Tea that can be drunk instead of water 1. Grain tea, such as barley tea and brown rice tea, can be drunk instead of water without any special side effects. Grain tea is similar to rice, the main food we eat. The minerals in grains play a big role in balancing the electrolytes in our body. If an electrolyte imbalance occurs in the body, problems may arise in the believers, making it impossible to filter out waste, and problems such as thirst and low blood pressure may occur. 2. The catechin and gallic acid components contained in hibiscus tea, which are known to be excellent in hibiscus tea diet, have the effect of decomposing fat and promoting metabolism. These hibiscus teas are good to drink instead of water because they do not contain any caffeine. Hibiscus tea, in particular, contains anthocyanin, which is effective in protecting eyesight.