에버랜드 스마트줄서기 Tips for using Everland Enjoy Lost Valley with Smart Line Stand

Tips for using Everland Enjoy Lost Valley with Smart Line Stand 에버랜드 스마트줄서기

Today is the day when I go to Yongin Everland with my four little friends


It’s a long-promised date, but I had a lot of worries as the news kept predicting strong rain and wind, but due to the upcoming winter weather, we decided to enforce it…


Fortunately, it didn’t rain, so we had a great time

First, I’ll give you some information to use Everland more conveniently

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1. Prepare a simple (light) chair if you are a family with children

It takes an average of 60 to 120 minutes on weekends to ride a ride, so it’s very boring and my legs hurt

It’s hard for children to keep standing, so if you prepare a simple chair or a wagon, you can wait a little comfortably

※Must be mass-produced in summer. Wagon can be rented

2. Parking is cheap through Kakao T parking registration in advance

The parking lot closest to the entrance to Everland is operated for a fee, and the non-parking lot (1A > 1B > 3 > 2 is close in order) is inconvenient to use a shuttle

You can use the Kakao T app for up to 10,000 won per day for mobile settlement. Of course, there is a parking lot nearby, but I think it’s enough to pay if you think about the cost of quickly leaving the bus nearby instead of the inconvenience of waiting for the shuttle bus as people flock around the opening and closing hours

3. For the open run, use the left side

Some popular facilities are booked in seconds due to smart queues, so if you can’t enter quickly, you may be queuing for at least two hours or unavailable

As a result, there is a line from dawn for an open run, and at this time, there is a line from the place close to the paid parking lot, so the line is relatively small at the entrance to the left far from the parking lot.

Whether you’re in a paid parking lot or a shuttle, if you go to the left of the entrance, you’ll be able to enter faster than earlier people in other lines

※Smart line reservations can be activated and used after entering

Now, let’s have a fun Everland outing

I left my house at 6 o’clock and arrived at 7 o’clock, so fortunately, I was able to park in a paid parking lot near the entrance and line up in the front

Even though it was quite chilly and still three hours before the opening, many people were using chairs, wagons and mats for the open run


While I was waiting, I went around and looked around, and the landscape was well done and the autumn leaves were beautifully colored, so there’s no time to be bored




Due to the gathering of so many people today, the entrance was held from 9:40 before the opening time due to concerns over safety accidents

Everyone turns on their phones and makes smart line reservations at the same time as the open run

If you’re not crazy, most popular facilities are sold out in seconds

Luckily, we were able to start our Everland outing smoothly because we were booked for the first time in Lost Valley

After booking a Lost Valley queue, I checked the waiting time to use another facility for free time, and even though it wasn’t a few minutes, the default is 80-160 minutes…