국민체력100 체력인증센터 National stamina 100

국민체력100 체력인증센터All citizens who participate in National Fitness 100 will be provided with an exercise program tailored to their physical strength level, systematically managed to ensure consistent participation in exercise, and issued a National Fitness Participation Certificate. A pilot project for physical fitness certification for adults was launched in 2011 for adults (ages 13 – … Read more

국민체력100 체력인증센터 National stamina 100

국민체력100 체력인증센터All citizens who participate in National Fitness 100 will be provided with an exercise program tailored to their physical strength level, systematically managed to ensure consistent participation in exercise, and issued a National Fitness Participation Certificate. A pilot project for physical fitness certification for adults was launched in 2011 for adults (ages 13 – … Read more