LGG 유산균 효능 및 가격, 추천 총정리 LGG lactobacillus efficacy and price, summary of recommendations

​Today, let’s look at LGG lactobacillus efficacy, price, and recommendation. Irregular meal times, instant food, lack of exercise, and more time sitting than standing, so many people take care of their intestinal health. In addition, these days, it has become essential to remove wastes from the body and protect intestinal health for elastic skin.

LGG 유산균 효능


LGG 유산균 효능

There are many people who are worried about being overweight, but if you look at the actual domestic obesity rate statistics, it was 29.2% in 2001, but in 2010 it became 30.9%, and in 2020 it rose to a whopping 38.3%.

If you look at it that way, 4 out of 10 Koreans are obese. Obesity is like the wick of a bomb that has caused various diseases. In fact, the World Health Organization has identified obesity as a disease that requires long-term treatment and the risk of obesity as a new epidemic in the 21st century. I am warning you.

As Korea also sees obesity as a cause of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and high blood pressure, it is urgent to clear the fat accumulated in the abdomen.

– Abdomen with visceral fat

Among those with a thick waist, visceral fat can easily expose you to various health problems.

Another reason visceral fat is dangerous is that it is an inflammatory factory.

Inflammatory substances from abdominal visceral fat are not all gathered together, but inflammatory substances move through blood vessels.

In fact, even if you have a normal weight, if you have a lot of visceral fat, the incidence of cardiovascular disease is twice as high as that of a normal weight person, and there are statistics that obese people have a 1,7 times higher risk of stroke and a 5,1 times higher risk of developing diabetes than a 40-year-old normal weight person. .

The reason why fat likes the abdomen is that many organs are gathered in the abdomen, so there is a thin membrane connecting the organs, which is called the mesentery.

However, visceral fat adheres closely to the mesentery and becomes belly fat.

The unfortunate thing is that the rate of abdominal obesity is gradually increasing as women enter middle age.

In the case of women, the reason why they become tadpoles in middle age is because of the decrease in female hormones.

When female hormones are secreted a lot for childbirth and childbirth, fat is stored mainly in the thighs and buttocks.

– Intestinal health and weight

You can make your intestines gain or lose weight because of two types of gut bacteria.

Looking at the picture, one side is plump and the other side is slim. The chubby shape is called Fatty Bacillus, which is a harmful bacterium that causes fat to gain weight by preventing fat from being used for energy, and the slim shape is called slender bacteria that help burn fat and help lose weight.

In fact, there is also a study that the probability of being overweight increases by 23% when there are more fat bacteria than lean bacteria.

In the case of middle-aged women, it is said that the proportion of harmful bacteria is about 40% higher than that of the general population.

LGG lactobacillus efficacy

The L of LGG Lactobacillus comes from the letters Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and the GG at the back is the first letter of Dr. Gorba and Dr. Goldin who developed this strain, so it was called LGG Lactobacillus.

Like LGG lactobacillus, lactobacillus experts have isolated lactobacillus from the human body and developed it by integrating the latest technology.

In particular, LGG lactobacillus is famous as the most researched and verified lactobacillus in the world.

It can be said that LGG lactobacillus has 1,200 clinical studies and papers, and its safety and efficacy are guaranteed.

– High survival rate

In order to change the intestinal environment occupied by fatty bacteria (Yuheugyun), it is important to expand the power of beneficial bacteria.


When normal lactic acid bacteria are eaten, more than 90% are killed when they meet stomach acid in the digestive process, then 9% are killed when they meet bile acid while moving through the duodenum, and only 1% of lactic acid bacteria reach the large intestine.

So, the two doctors who developed LGG lactobacillus paid the most attention to strong lactobacillus that overcomes acidity.

Thanks to this, LGG lactobacillus is a super lactobacillus that does not die during the digestion process and survives to the end to reach the intestines.

In fact, when we checked after administering lactobacillus strains with acidity similar to ours, most of the other lactobacillus strains died, but there was also a research result that a significant number of LGG lactobacilli survived.

The glandular hairs of lactic acid bacteria control the survival period of lactic acid bacteria in the intestine, and the survival period varies depending on whether there are glandular hairs or not.

Usually, general lactic acid bacteria arrive in the large intestine and most of them die after 3 days, but the LGG umbrella group survives for more than a week.

In an experiment, participants were given LGG lactobacillus drinks and tested 2 weeks later, and there is also a research result that LGG lactobacillus was detected in the intestines of all participants.

– High fixing power

LGG lactobacillus is not defeated in the fight against indigenous bacteria in the intestine. Even if LGG lactobacillus arrives in the intestine alive, there are numerous indigenous bacteria in the intestine.

At this time, LGG lactobacillus adheres to the surface of the intestine as a special weapon and settles in the intestine to expand its power.

Normal lactobacillus has a smooth surface, while LGG lactobacillus has glandular hairs that extend around it, allowing it to stick to the intestines with good exercise capacity.

– Help with diet

LGG lactobacillus reduces the size of fat cells and reduces harmful bacteria in the intestines to help reduce body fat, so it is called diet lactobacillus.

Fat cells grow up to 400 times, and the key to body shape change is to reduce the size of fat cells.

LGG lactobacillus can help reduce the size of fat cells.

This is an enlarged picture of fat cells. This is a picture of a large cell before ingesting LGG lactobacillus and a picture of a smaller fat cell after ingestion.

In fact, after consuming LGG probiotics, there is also a study that showed that the amount of fat decreased by about 10% and the level of neutral fat decreased by 50%.

– Relief of fatty liver symptoms

In the past, the cause of fatty liver was mainly alcohol consumption, but the cause of fatty liver in modern people is non-alcoholic fatty liver due to excessive intake of carbohydrates, which is increasing every year.

Even non-alcoholic fatty liver is found in elementary school students.

When carbohydrates are consumed excessively, glucose increases and forms triglycerides, which are stored in the liver. Fatty liver is a symptom of oil accumulation in the liver.

At this time, LGG lactobacillus can help relieve fatty liver.

In fact, as a picture of the liver of a mouse fed a high-fat diet, the darker the red color, the more fat is accumulated. After consuming LGg lactobacillus, it can be confirmed that the color has become lighter due to the suppression of fat production.

– Appetite suppression

Hormones are the cause of poor appetite control.

When the hormone leptin, which signals us to put down the spoon when we are full, is disrupted, we lose control of our appetite.

The key to diet is appetite control, and LGG lactobacillus can help suppress appetite.

In fact, when mice fed a high-fat diet were fed LGG lactobacillus, there was also a result that the level of the leptin hormone, an appetite suppressant hormone, increased.

– Precautions Side effects

Excessive consumption of lactobacillus can cause side effects such as abdominal distension and diarrhea. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the recommended intake amount for each product and consume it after consulting with a specialist if you have a specific constitution or allergy.

In addition, it is recommended to check whether the number of lactic acid bacteria meets the maximum intake of 10 billion recommended by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety before making a selection.