개인통관고유번호 모바일 발급 Learn from issuing a personal customs identification number to inquiry

If you bought something on aliexpress and the customs office asks for this number If you purchase without knowing whether it is an overseas direct purchase, and you contact us later and ask for this code If you purchase overseas direct purchase or rocket direct purchase products from Coupang and receive a call later 개인통관고유번호 … Read more

쿠쿠 정수기 고객센터 Cuckoo Water Purifier Customer Center

There are many home appliances necessary for daily life, but the home appliances that we eat, drink and feel have now become indispensable. We are developing into a household appliance company. In particular, there are direct purchases of Cuckoo water purifiers or Cuckoo air purifiers, but there are many cases where they are rented. Today, … Read more

줌 사용법 How to use zoom

hello Recently, as non-face-to-face meetings are increasing due to the corona virus, we are conducting a lot of online video conferencing. In such a case, what is needed is Zoom, which makes video conferencing possible with mobile devices, PCs, and laptops regardless of location. With more days of telecommuting, it has become a must-have program. … Read more

공동인증서 비밀번호 찾기 How to change password search for joint certificate

Find and change the password for the joint certificate today I’ll make a post about how to do it. ​ View banking business or obtain certification from a public institution 공동인증서 비밀번호 찾기 What you need is a joint certificate! ​ Those who use internet banking Everyone has been issued and has ​ However, once … Read more

계좌번호 조회 Account number inquiry Deposit account number

There are three main ways to check the Kookmin Bank account number: visit a branch to check it, check it through the website or app, and check it through a card connected to the account, such as an ATM machine. In addition, recently, an integrated management service is provided that allows you to view account … Read more