주휴수당 vacation pay is included in their monthly salary

The minimum hourly wage for 2022 this year is 9,160 won. Weekly vacation is not included in the KRW 9,160. I will post how to calculate the weekly vacation pay for part-time workers who are contracted for a short period, that is, for short-term workers, not regular workers. 주휴수당 If you decide to work 8 … Read more

마이크로소프트 팀즈 삭제 How to Uninstall or Reinstall Teams in Windows 11

Delete Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams is a chat thread-type business collaboration tool for general corporations and schools. It runs automatically when you log in to Windows on a school computer or home PC using Microsoft 365 Office, an Office program that can be used for free in educational institutions. If you are using the program, … Read more

해외주식 양도소득세 신고 방법 Summary of overseas stock transfer income tax reporting and payment methods (Mirae Asset Securities)

Hello, In this post, I will tell you how to report and pay overseas stock transfer income tax on your behalf. May of 2021, when you have to pay income (transfer) tax on the sale of overseas stocks, is fast approaching. Securities companies such as Mirae Asset Securities, Korea Investment & Securities, Shinhan Financial Group, … Read more

청춘대로 톡톡카드 Summary of good benefits of KB Kookmin Youth Avenue

One line summary of KB Kookmin Youth Avenue! This is a customized card for people who spend more than 20,000 won at Starbucks a month and spend more than 20,000 won at fast food restaurants. As a result, it is a card with the advantage of being able to receive benefits of 25,000 per month … Read more

아이폰 html 파일 열기 Open iPhone file with secure mail app html

Since I use the Nonghyup card, I have to send the credit card usage statement for May to the tax office. However, the Nonghyup made it possible to receive the statement as an html file. html file won’t open in chrome html file is opened in Microsoft Explorer. 아이폰 html 파일 열기 After this May, … Read more

근로소득원천징수영수증 발급 keep in mind that we can check it out.

The method of issuing the earned income withholding receipt is relatively easy. There are two ways. 근로소득원천징수영수증 발급 I’ll make a request to the company that I’m currently working at. You can get it through the online home tax. This means that even the salaried workers can’t afford to work You can see it, but … Read more

KB모바일인증서 발급 Kookmin Bank KB mobile certificate issuance

These days, most government agencies go through personal authentication when they log in or apply for an apartment. At this time, you will be using services such as joint authentication and simple authentication. Left: Simple authentication when logging in to Government 24 / Right: Simple authentication when logging in to Hometax In my case, it … Read more

유튜브 바로가기 만들기 Quickly Create YouTube Shortcuts

Isn’t it a waste of time to access YouTube? Because your time is precious YouTube is really popular these days. It seems that there are many people who set the start screen of their internet browser as YouTube. You will also be using YouTube. How do you access YouTube? Isn’t it supposed to be entered … Read more

2022년 기초생활수급자 조건 What is a Basic Livelihood Recipient?

In this post, I would like to inform you about the eligibility requirements, benefits, and how to apply for the Basic Livelihood Recipient. 2022년 기초생활수급자 조건 If you are on the Basic Livelihood Recipient, you should carefully take advantage of the minimum cost of living provided by the government and prepare for a better future. … Read more