SK텔레콤 고객센터 및 전화번호 (skt 고객센터) SK Telecom Customer Center and Phone Number (skt customer center)

Many of you may be using SK Telecom on your mobile phone. The first telecommunication service I used was SK Telecom. After that, I switched to KT after transferring my number, and now I am using SK Telecom again. When using a mobile phone, there are times when you need to contact the customer center. When you connect, you cannot consult right away, but there is a waiting time. I will introduce a way to effectively use the SK Telecom customer center while reducing this waiting time.

SK텔레콤 고객센터

SK텔레콤 고객센터

▶ SK Telecom customer center homepage
In order to effectively and accurately use the SK Telecom customer center, it is best to visit the customer center homepage. You can easily access it by searching for SK Telecom customer center on a portal site.

Go directly to the SK Telecom customer center homepage

The SK Telecom customer center homepage has neatly organized menus. The customer support center menu has six menus: service usage guide, frequently asked questions, online consultation inquiry, branch and agency search, required document information, and phone consultation reservation.

If you scroll down, you will see the menu for customer support services. Here, you will see menus such as Mobile T World Guide, High Call Volume on This Day, and ARS Consultation Usage Guide. If you click on ARS Consultation Usage Guide, you can check SK Telecom’s customer center phone number.

▶ SK Telecom Customer Center Phone Number
This is SK Telecom’s customer center phone number guide. First, there are three main ways to use the customer center. The method of using the phone connection is the same for all, but there are three ways to use the service: button-type ARS, visible ARS, and voice recognition ARS. You can use whichever is more convenient, but I personally think the visible ARS method is the best.

1. Button-type ARS

This is the most basic button-type ARS for using the SK Telecom customer center. It is the most convenient method because it has been used for a long time. I should introduce something important first. That is the phone number. The SK Telecom customer center phone number can be used for free or for a fee.

– Free: 114

– Free: 080-011-6000

– Paid: 1599-0011

– Hours of operation: Weekdays 9 AM to 6 PM

The easiest way is to dial 114 directly from your mobile phone. If you need to use a landline, dial the toll-free number 080-011-6000.

If you know in advance which menu each button will take you to, you can handle customer service very quickly with the button-type ARS. You don’t have to listen to the ARS message all the way through to check the menu. You can check the ARS menu usage guide by number below.

2. Visible ARS

The second way to use SK Telecom’s customer center is the visible ARS. In fact, I personally think this is much more useful than the button-type. You just have to press the button you want to use on the screen. You can easily check which menus are available with your eyes.

Please note that you can only use the visible ARS by dialing 114 on your T phone. The available hours are the same as the customer center hours.

This is an example of how to use the visible ARS. After connecting to 114 and selecting the visible ARS, you can use it by looking at the menu on your smartphone screen as shown below. Once you use it, you will find it convenient because you do not need to listen to the entire ARS guidance message.

3. Voice Recognition ARS

The third way to use the SK Telecom customer center is the voice recognition ARS. It is a convenient way to receive the desired service right away through voice recognition without pressing a button. It is often used by people who have difficulty using buttons or the visible ARS, and even if you do not, you can use the voice recognition ARS right away.

The usage method is as follows.

Step 1: Run the app, click SK Telecom Customer Center 114 on the home screen to connect to the customer center

Step 2: Select Yes when confirming the connection to the customer center

Step 3: Select the voice recognition service after confirming the connection

Step 4: The app runs and the voice message screen appears

Step 5: If you ask a question while pressing the microphone, the question and answer will appear on the screen

We have learned about the phone numbers and 3 ways to use the SK Telecom Customer Center.

For reference, the days with the highest number of customer center inquiries are

1. Every Monday, the weekday after a public holiday

2. Check the monthly billing information and payment period

3. The first weekday of every month

I hope this was helpful.