SK브로드밴드 고객센터 및 전화번호 SK Broadband customer center and phone number

K Broadband Customer Center Phone Number After Service Application Website

SK브로드밴드 고객센터

SK브로드밴드 고객센터

Let’s find out about the SK Broadband Customer Center phone number. At SK Broadband, you can use the Internet, Btv, and phone services at a low price. However, if a problem occurs during use or a previous installation is required, you must contact the customer center.

📢 How to apply for SK Internet transfer installation (phone number)
I will check the SK Broadband Customer Center website.

SK Broadband Customer Center
The SK Broadband Customer Center phone number is 106. However, since only those using SK Telecom can connect, those using other telecom companies must contact 080-8282-106.

📢 SK Telecom Customer Center phone number to connect to a counselor (Guide to using the service center)
SK Broadband Customer Center
[Source: SK Broadband website]

SK Broadband Customer Center Phone Number: 106
Btv Budget/Cable Internet Customer Center Phone Number: 1877-7000
Cable Internet/Btv cable broadcasting inquiry: 1877-7000
SK Broadband Customer Center business hours are from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM on weekdays, and consultation is available from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Saturdays.

However, in the case of the technology/breakdown department, consultation is available 24 hours a day, so please take note of this and use it.

Online inquiries are also possible on the SK Broadband Customer Center website, so please visit the website to get help with the problem you are currently experiencing before contacting the customer center.

SK Broadband Customer Center Homepage
SK Broadband Customer Center Online Inquiry
If you have difficulty connecting to the SK Broadband Customer Center, you can resolve any questions you have through online inquiries on the SK Broadband website.

However, online inquiries can only be made after logging into the website, and since these are online inquiries, answers will be processed sequentially.

Those who have time to spare can make inquiries online, and those who do not have time can call the customer center directly.

SK Broadband online inquiry
SK Broadband AS application
You can apply for SK Broadband A/S through the customer center. However, if it is late in the morning, the Internet connection is poor, the Internet is not connected, or various problems occur, please refer to the video guide on the SK Broadband website or get simple diagnosis/after-sales service measures. You can solve the problem through self-service directly through the menu.

📢 Credit Finance Association card point integrated inquiry and account deposit method
SK Broadband Customer Center
In the video guide, you can see videos of frequently occurring problems, so please refer to the videos and try to solve the problem.

SK Broadband AS video guide
We have organized the SK Broadband Customer Center phone number and how to apply. If you encounter problems such as poor Internet connection or slow speed, please refer to the SK Broadband website for help.