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You can check the Suseo Station SRT timetable and see operation information. You can check the Suseo Station SRT timetable by clicking the search button below and selecting the Gangnam area in Seoul.

SRT 시간표

SRT 시간표

Suseo Station srt timetable



This information is based on the official reservation website and data, so you can check the recently updated Suseo Station SRT timetable.

Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Check Suseo Station SRT timetable

Suseo Station srt timetable



You can view the Suseo Station SRT timetable by going to Browse above and selecting the Gangnam area in Seoul. As Suseo Station is a train station in the Gangnam area of Seoul, many trains pass by, so you can make a more convenient travel plan by checking the timetable in advance.


At the top, you can also see how to make a reservation after viewing the train timetable, so you can solve your train-related schedule all in one.

Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Precautions when using Suseo Station
There are a few things to keep in mind when using Suseo Station.

Confirm ticket and reservation
Before your travel date, check the Suseo Station SRT timetable, prepare a ticket, and confirm your reservation.
If you booked online, you must have your ticket or reservation confirmation number.
Check departure time
Check in advance when the train departs from Suseo Station and plan to arrive at least 30 minutes before departure.
Check the information board
Suseo Station has an information board displaying departure information, platform numbers, delay information, etc.
Check this to make sure you’re on the right platform.
Check baggage regulations
Each train and train according to the Suseo Station SRT timetable may have baggage regulations.
Check the allowable sizes and weights and ensure compliance.
Present your ticket
Always bring your ticket with you when using the train.
These days, you can check your ticket on your mobile phone.
This may be required upon boarding.
platform movement
Please use the stairs or elevator to get to the platform.
Moving between platforms can take some time, so give yourself plenty of time.
Be safe on train platforms.
Be careful not to fall on the platform when the train arrives or departs.

Meals and Drinks
If you expect a long journey, pack drinks and snacks.
Some trains may have cafes or restaurants.
Trains departing from Suseo Station often have snack vending machines installed.
moving tool
Consider a bag, such as a suitcase, or a moving tool that can be used with the bag.
You can make your trip more enjoyable by taking these things into consideration when using Suseo Station.

Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
How to reserve a ticket after checking the Suseo Station SRT timetable
After checking the Suseo Station SRT timetable, you will need a ticket to board the train. Tickets can be purchased online or on-site at Suseo Station. In the case of offline ticketing, there may be cases where there are no remaining seats, so it is recommended to reserve tickets online in advance. In particular, there may be a lot of people using Suseo Station on public holidays, so if you want to use it on weekends, it is recommended to purchase a ticket a few weeks in advance.


If you wish to obtain a Suseo Station ticket online, click on the Suseo Station SRT timetable at the top and then confirm the reservation.


Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
If your travel schedule appears after looking at the Suseo Station SRT timetable, visit the official page and click on ticket reservation.

At this time, select Suseo Station as the departure station and check the station of the desired city as the destination station.


Once reservations begin, you can select the number of passengers and one-way or round trip. One-way tickets only require you to depart from Suseo Station and get off at the destination station, while round-trip tickets include the return trip.


If there are many people using Suseo Station, you may not be able to get a return train ticket, so it is a good idea to get a round-trip ticket in advance. If you cannot get a ticket because it is sold out, you can get a standing ticket that allows you to stand in the aisle instead of taking a seat.


Sometimes, there are stops in the Suseo Station SRT timetable, and if the number of stops increases, the arrival time will be delayed. Please take a close look at this and reserve your ticket.

Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station location

Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Public transportation and parking around Suseo Station
If you have completed your reservation through the Suseo Station SRT timetable, all that remains is to use Suseo Station on the day. When moving from home to Suseo Station, you can either use a car or use public transportation such as a city bus.


If you use public transportation, there is a bus stop near Suseo Station, so you can easily get off near the station and move around.

If you are bringing your own car, you will need to use a public parking lot. In this case, search for a public parking lot near Suseo Station on the map.


The area around Cheongnyangni may be crowded on the day, so if you want to arrive at the station according to the Suseo Station SRT timetable, it is recommended to use public transportation.

Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Differences between Suseo Station train and express bus
Trains and express buses departing from Suseo Station are both used as public transportation, but they differ in many ways. Below are the differences between trains and express buses.

Operation route and route
It mainly operates by rail and travels along a set route.
Trains departing from Suseo Station depart from the station according to the Suseo Station SRT timetable and arrive at the train station of their destination.
Express Bus
It moves along the road and the route can be flexibly adjusted depending on road conditions.
If it rains or snows, the arrival time of the express bus may be delayed.
operating speed
Trains operate at high speeds, especially high-speed railways, which operate at higher speeds than regular trains.
ITX Cheongchun, KTX, KTX Sancheon, and SRT can reach the destination faster than Mugunghwa or Saemaeul.
Express Bus
Basically, it runs at a relatively lower speed than a train.
Express buses are divided into regular buses and premium buses, and the higher the grade, the better services are provided.
Convenience of driving
It operates according to the Suseo Station SRT timetable, and boarding/getting off is only possible at Suseo Station and designated stations.
You cannot get off at a place where there is no train station, and there are relatively few places you can go compared to an express bus.
Express Bus
There are more origins and destinations and more flexible routes, giving you the flexibility to travel between cities.
Most express bus terminals have city bus stops nearby, allowing you to explore domestic travel destinations in more detail.
Seating and amenities
Trains departing from Suseo Station have more comfortable seats than express buses, and some express trains even provide amenities such as beds.
Express Bus
Seats are generally narrower than on trains, and amenities may be limited.
These differences may vary depending on the region, transportation infrastructure, demand, etc., and the priorities and needs of the traveler may determine which method is more suitable.

Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
Suseo Station srt timetable
In this way, we learned about how to check the Suseo Station SRT timetable and operation information. Since most trains require advance reservations, please check the Suseo Station SRT timetable above to check which trains are available.