간헐적 단식 커피 Is It Okay To Drink Coffee When Intermittent Fasting? Try Intermittent Fasting

Is It Okay To Drink Coffee When Intermittent Fasting? Try Intermittent Fasting Nowadays, as interest in health increases, various diet methods are emerging. Among them, intermittent fasting is one of the hot diet methods these days. In this post, we will learn about intermittent fasting. 간헐적 단식 커피   What is intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting … Read more

간헐적 단식 커피 Is it okay to drink coffee while intermittent fasting? A look at intermittent fasting

간헐적 단식 커피Intermittent fasting, as the name suggests, refers to not eating for a period of time. There are many ways to intermittent fasting, but generally refers to fasting for 16 hours or more. At this time, it is to have a meal time of more than 8 hours and do not eat in between. … Read more