우체국 택배 보내는 법 How to send a courier to the post office. The difference between door-to-door and window reception. courier price. :: Living Information, Review, Health

우체국 택배 보내는 법Send a package from the post office. Send post office parcels. I stopped by the post office and sent a parcel courier. Sending a courier is a simple and straightforward process. But since it doesn’t happen often, I often forget how to send a package. How to send a courier, write it … Read more

우체국 택배 보내는 법 How to send home delivery (convenience store and general delivery)

How to send home delivery (convenience store and general delivery) If you have a lot of parcels to send or if you have difficulty going out, you can use a door-to-door parcel delivery service where a courier driver visits and collects the parcel. Let’s find out what to do when using a convenience store or … Read more