간병사 자격증 Difference Between Nursing Caregiver and Caregiver | Another family, another one

간병사 자격증|
Differences Between Nursing Care and Caregiver
2021. 06. 11
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1. Differences in qualifications
– A national certification that can be obtained by nursing care workers after completing a certain period of education and training and passing a national exam.
– Caregivers can complete basic nursing care training at an educational institution and do not need a private certification or special qualification issued by the association.

2. Differences in usage costs
– Nursing care workers are provided with subsidies through long-term care institutions and can be used at a relatively low cost.
– Caregivers can use it for about 100,000 to 120,000 won per day for individual care and about 9,000 to 30,000 won per day for joint care.

3. Differences in usage time
– In the case of a nursing home, one caregiver provides care for every 2.5 residents, and in the case of home visit care, the caregiver can be used for up to 4 hours a day based on level 1.
– Caregivers can be used as long as they want by paying a fee, and can stay at the hospital 24 hours a day.

4. Notes
– Nursing care workers can only care for those in long-term care for the elderly, but caregivers can care for anyone.
– Long-term care facilities are required to have a caregiver and caregivers are not allowed to work there.
– In nursing hospitals, if there is no shared care, if the elderly person needs care, they must enter into a private contract with the caregiver and are not subject to health insurance.
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