개인통관고유번호 모바일 발급 Learn from issuing a personal customs identification number to inquiry

If you bought something on aliexpress and the customs office asks for this number
If you purchase without knowing whether it is an overseas direct purchase, and you contact us later and ask for this code
If you purchase overseas direct purchase or rocket direct purchase products from Coupang and receive a call later 개인통관고유번호 모바일 발급
If it is an overseas direct purchase item from a smart store or other mall, but the price is too good and you want to have it, so you want to buy it even if you wait

The exact name is a unique customs code, but people know it as a number instead of a code. Even if the words are different, I think there will be no problem if the meaning is the same. In this article, we will use the two terms interchangeably. 이베이스매뉴얼

개인통관고유번호 모바일 발급
I also have experience running a shopping mall, so I have seen many cases like this.
If you purchased an overseas purchasing agent product, but a strange number or phone number is written in the unique customs code field. Then you will usually get a call from the shopping mall.
hello. It’s a mall. The goods you purchase are those that come from a country and enter Korea. When this enters Korea, it goes through customs at Incheon Customs, and then asks for your personal customs identification number.
If you do not know this, you may not receive the item.
Please tell me, customer.
It’s roughly like this. Usually, many people are confused and don’t know what to do. because? I don’t know, so I put in my phone number and it’s like that.
For reference, the unique customs clearance code is a 13-digit number starting with P. It is granted by the Customs Service, so you can tell that it is done by the state.
You can get a personal customs code very easily from your mobile phone.
This personal customs identification number is used when goods come in from overseas shopping malls such as Taobao in China, Amazon in the United States, Rakuten or other malls in Japan, which can be purchased directly from overseas, or when goods are delivered directly from overseas. And if you buy overseas delivery products from Naver Smart Store or Coupang, or from open markets such as Gmarket Auction, there will be some who ask you to enter this number or write down any text you don’t know to solve the problem.

Even on Ali Express, which is said to be unnecessary here, the customs officer’s KakaoTalk to enter a unique customs code for some items is carefully sent. In my case, they ask me to enter the Korean shipping address, but this is a rare case.

In this KakaoTalk, a window appears asking you to enter your personal customs number along with the Korean shipping address. As mentioned above, if you receive a message like this a few days after ordering from Ali Express, it is from the customs office.
Well.. I’ve done a lot of fastball, so I’m used to typing, but there are quite a few people who are confused in this case as well. There are many around me.

However, you should not do it lightly. Contact me again. This number is a code number issued by the Customs Service, that is, to a person who wants to buy or import goods from overseas.
And the method of issuing these numbers makes it very easy for the customs office to issue them. If you do it fast, 1-2 minutes is enough.
I’ll show you how to get it easily. Have your cell phone ready.
First, search for ‘Mobile Customs Service’ in the App Store for iPhone and Google Play for Android smartphones. Just do a search for the customs office and you’ll find it.
Download it. If you run it after installing it, the permission guide window for using the app appears. Of course, click OK or click Allow. Then the main screen appears.
Our purpose is simple. Click the ‘Personal Customs Clearance Unique Code’ tab.
There are two types of authentication methods: mobile phone, joint certificate, and simple authentication (private certificate). Let’s go really easy. Select your phone. Then, enter your name, resident registration number, and mobile phone number. If you don’t want to enter your social security number… do it anyway. If the country asks you to, you have to do it. And you get your ID. Of course, it will move on to mobile phone verification, right?
Select each carrier and complete identity verification, and additionally verify the SMS verification number. The 6-digit number that comes as a text is correct.
ruler! Now, as the identity verification is complete, a unique customs clearance code has been created. It came out that it is being looked up because I have already made it before.
Can you tell by this? The fact that you can find your forgotten unique number in the same way even when you forgot to look up.

When shopping, especially before shopping overseas, or if the situation mentioned at the beginning of this article occurs, I hope you will not forget it.
It is a personal customs clearance number and is used to confirm my identity when making direct purchases overseas.
Individual identification information for each country is operated differently, so it can be easily checked through a single customs identification number.

The reason for buying overseas is that there are products that are much cheaper than domestic ones, and you can easily purchase products that are not available or sold in domestic shopping.

That is why, recently, the proportion of products purchased through overseas direct purchases has increased by that much rather than domestic shopping. Also, when it comes to domestic shopping, unless it’s a very urgent product, I usually buy it through eBay, Amazon, Ali Express, or Q10.

In this way, when making a direct purchase overseas, you will enter a unique customs clearance code.
A number that starts with P creates a unique customs number for an individual, and if I place an order and want to ship an item in the name of a family member, the personal information of the person receiving the item is required. In other words, it is not possible to send overseas direct purchase items to other people with your customs number, so you must enter your personal customs number based on the recipient.

I recently bought two soundbars on eBay.
Whenever you purchase an item individually, you must enter your personal customs clearance number in order to purchase the item.

In the case of Ali Express, I often order because there are many products I need at a low price from time to time.
Currently, I have ordered items related to fish tanks and keyboard keycaps, but regardless of price or product type, I have to enter a personal clearance number every time I buy an item.
Customs Personal Customs Unique Code
Check my personal customs code! Are you new to overseas direct purchase? Is this your first time to declare imported goods? New issuance “Issuance of unique customs code” can be used after simple identification. Personal Customs Code Issuance User Guide 24/7 Chatbot Consultation 1:1 Chat Kakao Talk Remote Support for PC Users Customs Service Click! publicity banner

Use the link above to access UNIPASS, a site for issuing personal customs codes.
Select New Issue and proceed with the registration process.
Signing up takes just a minute by entering your personal information.

Upon completion of this, your personal customs unique code will be issued.
It is a number that starts with P and can be used for life, and the personal customs clearance number does not change.

Also, since most overseas direct purchase sites store and use the registered personal customs number when purchasing items once again in the personal customs number input field in the address input field, there is no need to enter it each time you purchase items from the same site. It can be conveniently used when shopping overseas.
In the past, it was difficult for ordinary people to easily purchase goods sold abroad.
As a result, there were times when I asked someone who went on an overseas trip if there was a famous product.
But now, due to the development of various technologies, the floating population going abroad has also increased, and the frequency of travel has increased significantly.
Consumers can easily shop by entering a personal customs identification number when purchasing items online after they have been issued a personal customs identification number.
It’s not very difficult, so I’ll give you a brief overview of how to apply it, starting with the personal customs identification number lookup.
To summarize the entire route, you can go to the Mobile Customs Service app, there is a way to access it with a PC, or there is a way to go to the mobile web page.
First of all, I will tell you how to search for the personal customs identification number on a PC basis. The first thing to do is to go to the website of the Customs Service.

If you search for issuance of personal customs identification number on the search site or enter your name as it is, you can directly access the website.
Then, a screen will appear, with the message “Inquiry for Personal Customs Clearance Number” at the top and New at the bottom.
If this is the first time making a purchase directly from overseas, you can do other work only after getting a unique customs clearance number.
If you click the button on the screen, you will be prompted to verify your mobile phone. Simple authentication is also available, so please select the one that is convenient for you among the two.
After selecting an authentication method, enter your name and resident registration number. Then click the Real Name Verification button.
If you are verifying your identity based on your carrier, you will need to select the carrier you are currently using.
In the case of simple authentication, there are a pass and a message, so you can freely choose the one you are comfortable with.
In the case of mobile phone authentication, after entering personal information, enter the number that comes as a text and you are done. After identification is confirmed, the next thing to do is to fill out an application for issuance of a unique customs clearance number.
All you have to do is enter some personal information such as your name and address.
This will give each individual a number in the letter P.
Since we have informed you how to register for a new registration, we will also organize the procedure for inquiring your personal customs identification number. You must either visit the Customs Service website mentioned above or install the app.
At the top of the screen, you will see an icon or image saying Personal Customs Identification Number Lookup, just press it. If the application has been made anyway, it is simpler to check only the number.

After entering various personal information of the person and receiving authentication, the personal customs clearance