건강보험료 환급 신청방법(본인부담금 환급) How to apply for health insurance premium refund (refund of out-of-pocket expenses)

If you have spent too much on health insurance premiums due to long-term hospitalization or medical treatment, you may be eligible to receive a partial refund. Below you will find information on how to apply for 2023 health insurance premium refund, inquiry, application period, and payment date.

2023 health insurance premium refund application method, inquiry, period, payment date information
What is health insurance premium refund?

건강보험료 환급

건강보험료 환급


If you spend too much on your health insurance premium compared to your income due to long-term hospitalization or admission to a nursing hospital, you can receive a health insurance premium refund.

There are five cases in which health insurance premiums may be refunded.

Retroactive adjustment due to mistake and double payment of health insurance premiums
When the maximum amount of out-of-pocket expenses is exceeded
Refund of Corporation contribution for cancellation of advance benefit restriction due to non-payment of insurance premiums
Reimbursement of the difference in portion of drug costs for patients with severe diseases
In case of refund of other collection fees
2023 Health insurance out-of-pocket limit, post-refund limit confirmed (income bracket)


There are two main ways to claim health insurance premium refunds.

[Advance pay]
Advance payment is a method in which patients, guardians, etc. directly file a claim with the National Health Insurance Corporation when annual medical expenses spent at a nursing facility such as Yongyang Hospital exceed the ‘maximum legal out-of-pocket amount’.


[Post refund]
Post-refund is a method in which the National Health Insurance Corporation divides the individual out-of-pocket maximum amount into before and after the health insurance premium settlement (around April) and pays the amount exceeding the individual out-of-pocket maximum directly to the patient once a year.

What is the refund after the out-of-pocket limit is exceeded? (Actual health insurance medical expenses)


2023 health insurance premium refund



The 2023 health insurance premium refund payment standard is based on the annual out-of-pocket limit set by the National Health Insurance Corporation in 2022.

This is based on the upper limit of out-of-pocket expenses for 2023 by income bracket.

Category 2022 Out-of-pocket maximum amount Number of days hospitalized in nursing hospital exceeds 120 days
1st decile 830,000 won 1.28 million won
2nd to 3rd quartile 1.03 million won 1.6 million won
4th to 5th quartile 1.55 million won 2.17 million won
6th to 7th quartile 2.89 million won 2.89 million won
8th quartile 3.6 million won 3.6 million won
9th decile 4.43 million won 4.43 million won
Decile 5.98 million won 5.98 million won
The amount exceeding the above amount for each income bracket will be refunded.

Information on section ratio based on income decile in 2023


How to apply for health insurance premium refund in 5 steps
Here are 5 steps on how to apply for and inquire about health insurance premium refunds.

Click [Refund Inquiry/Application] on the National Health Insurance Corporation website
Log in with simple authentication, joint authentication, etc.
After checking the refund amount, click [Apply]
Complete the application and check the application details
Check payment status in inquiry history




1. Click [Refund Inquiry/Application] on the National Health Insurance Corporation website
2023 health insurance premium refund
Access the National Health Insurance Corporation.
Click ‘Inquiry/Application for Refund’ in the ‘Customized Menu for Each Visitor’ at the top.

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2. Log in with simple authentication, joint authentication, etc.
Log in with simple authentication, joint authentication, etc.
To apply for a refund of your deductible, you must log in using simple authentication or joint authentication.
First, authenticate yourself using a certificate.

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3. After checking the refund amount, click [Apply]
After checking the refund amount, click [Apply]
When you log in, you can check the refund amount you or your parents may receive.
If you have the amount, click [Apply].


4. Fill out the application and check the application details
4. Fill out the application and check the application details
Fill out the application and enter your bank account, etc.
Once the application is completed, you can check the application status in [View refund (subsidy) application details].

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5. Check payment status in inquiry history
Check payment status in inquiry history
When the requested refund is paid, you can check the payment date in the inquiry history.

Click here to apply for health insurance premium refund
For information on how to apply for a post-imbursement refund under the health insurance out-of-pocket limit system, please see below.

2023 Out-of-pocket cap system post-refund application, payment date inquiry


Health insurance premium refund application period
The application period for health insurance premium refund is the maximum out-of-pocket amount and post-refund amount exceeding the out-of-pocket limit is notified every year from late August to early September, and the application is accepted and refunded.

Health insurance premium refund application period
In the case of advance benefits, if you receive a notice at the end of the year, the application deadline is the end of January.
If a patient needs to file a claim for medical care benefits, the excess amount will be notified to the patient on a monthly basis.

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Health insurance premium refund payment date
In the case of post-mortem refunds, health insurance premium refunds are paid sequentially from early September every year to those who apply.
For patients in nursing institutions who receive treatment monthly, payment is made in principle 3 to 5 months after the month of treatment.

Above, we have checked the 2023 health insurance premium refund application method, inquiry, period, and payment date information.