국민내일배움카드 신청 및 자격, 사용처 정리 Summary of National Tomorrow Learning Card application, qualifications, and usage

Until last year, the Tomorrow Learning Card was operated separately for the unemployed and employed.

However, starting this year, it has become possible to use the National Tomorrow Learning Card, which integrates the tomorrow learning cards of unemployed and employed people, without any inconvenience.

Would you like to learn about the National Tomorrow Learning Card, a very good card that allows anyone to receive training that will help them find a job and provides a total of 3 to 5 million won over 5 years?

국민내일배움카드 신청

1. What is the National Tomorrow Learning Card?

국민내일배움카드 신청

※ National Tomorrow Learning Card

: This is a card that supports a total of 3 to 5 million won in training costs over 5 years to lay the foundation for lifelong ability development so that anyone can receive training that is helpful for a job. The big advantage is that it can be used when you need it. there is.


1. Comparison of National Tomorrow Learning Card 2019 VS 2020 (reorganization)


1) Target: Unemployed, employed → Citizens seeking vocational training

2) Validity period: 1 year for unemployed, 3 years for employed → 5 years

3) Support amount: 2 to 3 million won → 3 to 5 million won

2. Integration of tomorrow’s learning cards for the unemployed and employed, which were operated separately, into one.

– You can continue to use one card without the inconvenience of changing cards depending on your economic activity status, such as employment, leave of absence, or unemployment.


3. Six advantages of the National Tomorrow Learning Card


1) Anyone can apply.

2) The validity period has been extended to 5 years.

3) Training expenses of up to 5 million won are supported.

4) You can select training tailored to your individual needs through a consultation process.

5) Training history, account balance, etc. can be checked in real time through HRD-Net.

6) The self-payment ratio is applied equally to all, regardless of whether they are unemployed, employed, or self-employed.


2. National Tomorrow Learning Card support target


1. Eligible for support

– Any citizen who wishes to receive training can apply.

– If you need vocational training, you can actively support it, regardless of whether you are unemployed, employed, specially employed, or self-employed.


2. Those excluded from support


1) Public officials, private school faculty, students other than those expected to graduate, self-employed people with annual sales of KRW 150 million or more, workers at large corporations with monthly wages of KRW 3 million or more (under 45 years of age), and workers in special types of employment.
2) People aged 75 or older
3) Foreigners subject to the Act on Employment of Foreign Workers, etc. (However, those insured by employment insurance are excluded.)
4) Persons whose period of support, loans, and course attendance restrictions has not ended
5) A person who fails to fulfill the obligation to pay after receiving an order to return support funds, etc. due to misconduct
6) A person who participates in training (or a project) that receives training costs from a central administrative agency or local government.
7) People who do not complete vocational competency development training video education through HRD-Net
8) A person who has been employed for less than 180 days since the training start date or whose insured period is less than 180 days as a self-employed person, despite having received vocational competency development training three times before the effective date of this notice.


3. National Tomorrow Learning Card support amount and validity period


1. National Tomorrow Learning Card basic subsidy: 3 million won per person


2. Additional support for National Tomorrow Learning Card: 1 million to 2 million won


3. Reason and amount for deduction of National Tomorrow Learning Card balance


4. National Tomorrow Learning Card validity period: 5 years from the date of account issuance


4. How to apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card


This concludes the post about National Tomorrow Learning Card support recipients, support amount, and application method.

Thank you for reading this long article.