KB국민은행 고객센터 및 전화번호 KB Kookmin Bank customer center and phone number

Kookmin Bank Customer Center Phone Number Kookmin Bank is Korea’s largest comprehensive financial group, providing a variety of financial services at home and abroad. Customers who use Kookmin Bank use the customer center for various reasons. There are various purposes for using the customer center, such as losing a bankbook, reporting an accident, loan consultation, or signing up for a product.국민은행 고객센터

국민은행 고객센터

Summary of Kookmin Bank customer center phone numbers and consultation methods


1: Kookmin Bank Customer Center Phone Number
Kookmin Bank Customer Center phone number is 1588-9999. You can call this number 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, accident reports are available 24 hours a day, and consultations are available from 09:00 to 18:00 on weekdays by calling the dedicated consultation number (1800-9999).

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Summary of Kookmin Bank customer center phone numbers and consultation methods – 1: Kookmin Bank customer center phone number
Summary of Kookmin Bank customer center phone numbers and consultation methods

2: How to consult with Kookmin Bank Customer Center

Kookmin Bank Customer Center provides consultation through a variety of methods, including phone, chat, and email.

Telephone consultation: You can consult through ARS by calling 1588-9999. Consultation through ARS is mainly used to answer simple questions or report accidents. If you need professional counseling, simply select Connect to a counselor.
Chat consultation: You can apply for chat consultation on the KB Kookmin Bank website or mobile app. Chat consultation is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and professional counselors provide real-time consultation.
Email consultation: You can apply for email consultation on the KB Kookmin Bank website or mobile app. Email consultation is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and a counselor responds to emails written by customers.
3: Precautions when using Kookmin Bank Customer Center
When using the Kookmin Bank Customer Center, you must keep the following in mind:


Personal information protection: When consulting with the customer center, personal information such as ID, bankbook, and card may be requested. You should use good judgment when providing personal information.
Check consultation records: If you want to check the consultation details after consultation, you can check the consultation records on the customer center website or mobile app.
Counseling Satisfaction Survey: You can receive certain benefits by participating in a counseling satisfaction survey after a consultation.
4: Review of Kookmin Bank Customer Center

If you look at the reviews of Kookmin Bank’s customer service center, you can see that most of them said they received satisfactory consultation. However, there were some complaints that the consultation took a long time.

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Summary of Kookmin Bank Customer Center phone numbers and consultation methods – 4: Reviews of Kookmin Bank Customer Center


Kookmin Bank Customer Center is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and consultation is possible in a variety of ways. Be mindful of personal information protection when using the customer center, and participate in the customer service satisfaction survey to receive certain benefits.

additional information:

Kookmin Bank Customer Center has the following features.

Providing various consultation channels: We provide various consultation channels such as phone, chat, and email, so customers can receive consultation in the way they want.
Consultation available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year: Consultation is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, regardless of weekdays, weekends, or public holidays.
Provide professional consultation: Professional counselors provide consultation so customers can accurately resolve their questions.
Kookmin Bank Customer Center operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to provide various financial services to Kookmin Bank customers. You can use the customer center to obtain various information about Kookmin Bank and use financial services more conveniently.