근로계약서 양식 다운로드 및 작성법 How to download and fill out the employment contract form

How to download and fill out 4 free employment contract forms (hwp, word, pdf, excel)
Today, we will teach you in detail how to download and fill out the four free employment contract forms (hwp, word, pdf, and excel).

근로계약서 양식

근로계약서 양식

An employment contract is a document written to protect the rights of both workers and employers, and specifies working conditions between workers and employers.

Download free employment contract form
There are a total of 4 file formats prepared today for downloading the employment contract form, and they are as follows.

Employment contract form Korean (hwp)
Employment contract form word
Employment contract form pdf
Employment contract form excel (xlsm)
Employment contract form Korean (hwp)
Employment contract-form-Korean
Employment contract form Korean
The employment contract form Korean download file is an attached file that can be executed and worked as a Korean (hwp) document. It consists of a total of 7 types of standard employment contract forms from the Ministry of Employment and Labor. Details are as follows.

Employment contract (if there is no fixed period)
Employment contract (if there is a fixed period)
Employment contract for young workers (those under 18 years of age)
Parental authority (guardian) consent form
Construction day worker employment contract
Part-time worker employment contract
English employment contract
Employment contract (agriculture, livestock farming, fishing fields)
Standard employment contract (7 types).hwp
The source of the attached file is the Ministry of Employment and Labor, and more detailed documents can be found on the website.

Employment contract form word
Employment contract-form-word
Employment contract form word
The employment contract form word download file is an attached file that can be executed and worked on as a word document.

Likewise, it is a standard employment contract form and can be downloaded by those who mainly use Word programs.

Standard employment contract.docx
An employment contract is a necessary document before starting work. It takes effect after both the employer and the worker sign, and if the employment contract is not written, the employer may be subject to a fine of up to 5 million won. Please keep this in mind.

Employment contract form pdf
Employment contract-form-pdf
Employment contract form pdf
The employment contract form pdf download file is an attached file that can be executed and edited through a pdf program because it consists of a pdf document.

Standard employment contract.pdf
When writing an employment contract, you must carefully check the contents before writing it. Additionally, if there is content that is difficult to understand or is difficult to understand while writing, it is a good idea to ask the user for an explanation of the content.

Employment contract form excel (xlsm)
Employment contract-form-excel
Employment contract form excel
The employment contract form Excel download file is an attached file that can be executed and edited through an Excel (xlsm) document.

Standard employment contract.xlsx
Please note that if you need to make any corrections or changes after downloading and printing the employment contract form and completing it by hand, you must make the changes in writing.

How to write an employment contract
Those who are new to employment contracts may find it difficult to write one. There are certain matters specified in the employment contract, and you must fill out these matters in order.

Please refer to the table below to help you write an employment contract.

How to write what is stated
Labor contract period: Enter the period of time agreed upon between the worker and the employer to work. If the labor contract period is not specified, only the work start date is required.
Workplace: Just write down the place where workers and employers decide to carry out work.
Please describe the content of the work and what kind of work you will do.
It is written in the form of prescribed working hours from 0:00 to 0:00 (break time from 0:00 to 0:00).
Workdays/Holidays Enter which days of the week you will work and also write about paid holidays.
Wages Describe the payment date or method of payment. Additionally, if there are any allowances to be paid, such as bonuses, family allowances, certification allowances, etc., please enter additional information about them.
Annual paid leave Annual paid leave is granted in accordance with the Labor Standards Act.
Whether or not social insurance is applied Enter the relevant information regarding social insurance application.
Issuance of a labor contract This informs you that the labor contract must be issued to the employee upon conclusion of the labor contract.
Obligation to faithfully fulfill employment contracts, employment rules, etc. Employers and workers promise to fulfill their obligations to faithfully fulfill employment contracts, employment rules, etc.
Other matters not specified in the above employment contract are governed by the Labor Standards Act.
This concludes the article on how to download and fill out the free employment contract form. Please also refer to the related articles below.

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