내가 가입한 사이트 탈퇴 View all sites I have joined, how to unsubscribe

내가 가입한 사이트 탈퇴In particular, with the development of Internet technology, Internet commerce and non-face-to-face financial services have increased. Through my information, financial crimes such as identity theft, cannon phone, cannon bankbook, and micropayment fraud are increasing, so we need to be careful. When protecting and managing my personal information on the Internet, using the Privacy Clean service is convenient because I can easily search all sites I have joined and unsubscribe at once. My information, once illegally shared, remains data elsewhere and is highly likely to be stolen when signing up for a site.

1. Search all sites I have joined
2. Unsubscribing from the site I joined at once
3. How to check the site withdrawal result
4. Privacy Clean Service Precautions

1. Access the Privacy Clean Service site.
2. Click View Identity Verification Details.

3. Click I agree to the collection and use of personal information and proceed to the next step.
4. Select one of the identification methods to verify your identity.

5. Enter your name and resident registration number to view your identity verification details.
6. All sites I have joined are searched.

1. Click and set the resident registration number, i-PIN, mobile phone identification details.
2. Click and set my subscription details from 1 year ago, 2 years ago, 3 years ago, 4 years ago, and 5 years ago.
3. Check the registration date and website address in the identity verification details at the bottom.

1. Click Membership Withdrawal Application in the identity verification details.

2. After selecting all the sites you want to withdraw from, click Apply for Membership Withdrawal.

If the application for withdrawal is not checked on the privacy site, the website can be processed by direct withdrawal. In this case, you must log in after clicking on the website and manually withdraw.

3. Enter the applicant information and submit the application.

Cancellation is not possible while membership withdrawal is being processed, and disadvantages may occur when withdrawing from some websites, so please apply carefully. In addition, it takes an average of 30 days for membership withdrawal to be processed, and it may take up to 60 days if the website operator does not cooperate.

1. Go to the Privacy Clean Service site.
2. Click the member withdrawal result.

3. You can check the membership withdrawal application details and processing results.

Membership withdrawal application details can only be checked if the application is currently being processed or up to 30 days after the membership withdrawal process is completed.

1. The Privacy Clean Service is provided to help users who are suspected of identity theft or have signed up for membership but have difficulty withdrawing from membership because they do not know their ID and password.
2. Withdrawal of membership from the site you joined is processed by exercising the right to request membership withdrawal to the website operator on behalf of the Personal Information Protection Committee, and the withdrawal process is completed within a period of 30 to 60 days.
3. It is important to carefully check and send out the application form, as points and accumulated points will be extinguished when membership is withdrawn, and disadvantages such as suspension of use of linked services may occur.
4. When applying for membership withdrawal, you must be careful as it is impossible to cancel the application.

Jenny’s Daily Journey
‘Everyday becomes a trip’ Jenny’s daily travel blog
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내가 가입한 사이트 탈퇴
