대우전자 서비스센터 및 전화번호 Daewoo Electronics Service Center and Phone Number

Are you wondering who to contact if a problem occurs with Daewoo Electronics products such as refrigerators, air conditioners, kitchen appliances, TVs, etc.? Daewoo Electronics Customer Center will solve your problems.

대우전자 서비스센터

대우전자 서비스센터

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Daewoo Electronics Customer Center Contact Information

Phone number: 1588-9588
Call charges: Caller pays

Daewoo Electronics Customer Center Service Menu
Daewoo Electronics Customer Center provides a variety of services. Solve your problem quickly using the menu below.


frequently asked questions
Check out frequently asked questions and answers and find solutions quickly.



Through product self-diagnosis, you can identify the cause of the problem and receive suggested solutions.


Consultation inquiry
Please consult with us about any problems or questions you may have while using the product. Friendly consultation awaits.


Apply for visiting service
If the problem is serious, you can request in-home service and receive help from a professional technician.


How to reserve A/S

If you need to visit the customer center or service center, you can make a reservation using the method below.

Click the Service Center and Store Locator link to find the nearest service center.
To request in-home service, select your product symptom, enter the required information, and select a convenient date and time.
Find service centers and stores

Daewoo Electronics is always working for your convenience. If you have any problems, please contact Daewoo Electronics Customer Center at any time. We will resolve your issue quickly.

For more information, please visit the Daewoo Electronics website.

Daewoo Electronics website


If a problem occurs while using Winia products
Who should I contact if a problem occurs with Winia products, such as an air conditioner or dehumidifier, during the hot summer? Check out Winia’s customer center and service information.


Winia Customer Center Contact Information
Main number: 1588-9588

Winia Service Menu
Winia provides the following services at its customer center.

Apply for a telephone (sign language) consultation reservation: Apply for a telephone consultation reservation
How to reserve business trip service: Apply for business trip service
Products available for service: Winia products (kimchi refrigerator, air conditioner, etc.), Winia electronic products (washing machine, refrigerator, etc.)
Service Center Business Hours:
Weekdays: 09:00 ~ 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 ~ 13:00
Closed on public holidays and Sundays

Find Daewoo Electronics Service Center and Retailer

Go to service request

Apply for a phone sign language consultation reservation


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Daewoo Electronics Customer Center
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