대형폐기물 스티커 편의점 Let’s find out and throw it away! Online reporting of large waste stickers? convenience store? Even processing method

대형폐기물 스티커 편의점Large waste disposal

Bulky waste refers to waste that is difficult to put in volume-rate standard bags.

▶Types of bulky waste

– Various furniture: wardrobe, desk, sofa, bed, piano, etc.
– Home appliances: fans, electric blankets, TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, etc.
– Household items: bicycles, mirrors, tiles, sinks, etc.

★ Discharge times, discharge days, etc. may vary depending on your jurisdiction.

1. Online reporting

① Access the website of the district office where you reside → Log in as a member or non-member → Agree to personal information

Online reporting of bulky waste

② Enter information → Select discharge date and location → Select discharge item → Click discharge application

Online reporting of bulky waste

③ After payment, print and attach the report certificate → Dispose of it by the day before the scheduled collection date.
Designated location for apartments and businesses / in front of the main gate for single-family homes

※ If it is impossible to print the report certificate: Write the receipt number, payment amount, item, number, etc. on a piece of paper and attach it.
※ Application must be submitted before 18:00 on weekdays. If you apply later or on a weekend, you will receive it on the next weekday.

Bulky waste online reporting processing procedure

2. Purchase a large waste sticker at a convenience store (apply by phone)

① Purchase bulky waste stickers by paying a fee at convenience stores, marts, etc.
② Submit a collection application to your residential community center or district office cleaning administration department.
③ Attach a report certificate and dispose of it until the day before the scheduled collection date (usually it is collected early the next morning. 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.)

Processing procedure for phone applications for purchasing bulky waste stickers at convenience stores

3. Visit to the bulky waste community center

Visit your local community center → Report discharge → Pay fee → Print report certificate → Attach waste and discharge

This is the fee charging standard table for each bulky waste item. Please note that fees for each item may vary depending on your jurisdiction.

Standard table for charging fees for bulky waste

※ Items not in the table are subject to the fees for similar items among the listed items.

Free collection is possible for home appliances whose original form has been preserved or items that can be recycled.

→In the neighborhood where I live, the following waste home appliances can be collected for free. Please note that the application method (inquiry at recycling center, application at community center) and items to be collected may vary depending on residence.

Free collection of waste home appliances

1. If the size or weight differs by more than two times compared to items commonly used at home, the price is set proportionally.

2. Dispose of pottery pieces, broken glass, waste that cannot be incinerated, etc. in non-combustible volume-based waste bags.

3. A fine of up to 1 million won will be imposed for unauthorized disposal of bulky waste without the above reporting procedures.

4. If the reported details are different from the discharged items, or if the fee payment amount is insufficient, collection is not possible and it is considered illegal dumping.

– Internet application: After accessing the website, request a refund directly by checking the bulky waste application details.
– Cases filed at the community center: Visit the community center in person with a report certificate.

★Refund requests are only possible before collection.

These days, the importance of separate discharge is increasing due to environmental pollution ~!!! Let’s kill two birds with one stone by discharging waste appropriately, saving the environment and keeping the neighborhood clean, and let’s create a strong planet together!!
TEL. 02.1234.5678 / Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
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대형폐기물 스티커 편의점

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