도시가스 요금계산 City gas rate calculation

City gas rate calculation method and example


I am afraid of how much the electricity bill will cost when the weather gets hot, and how much the heating bill will cost when it gets cold. When a severe cold wave comes, we have no choice but to heat the pool. Here, we introduce a method for calculating gas rates that can be roughly determined by looking at the amount of gas meter used in each household. 도시가스 요금계산


도시가스  요금계산


※ City gas rates are charged by adding 1. Natural gas raw material cost + 2. Wholesale supply cost + 3. Retail supply cost. 좋은뉴스




Natural gas raw material costs are calculated every two months in odd-numbered months in accordance with the city gas fee linked raw material cost implementation guideline. Wholesale and retail supply costs are adjusted once a year, and appropriate supply costs are determined by considering operating costs and investment compensation. In short, it has a very complex fee system.





In addition, there are different suppliers for each region, and the calculation method is also different. Therefore, the rates are also different for each region, but you need to approach the rate calculation method suitable for your region to know the approximate value.


The calculation formula for residential use is usage*correction factor*average heat*unit rate + basic fee, plus 10% VAT. It’s too complicated. It is a calculation method that is not accessible to the general public. Therefore, it is much faster and more accurate to calculate through the homepage of the regional city gas supplier. Look at the method below and follow it slowly.



Calculate city gas cost by region


First, go to the Korea City Gas Association website. You can find it right away by typing ‘City Gas Association’ in the search bar.




If you hover your mouse over the top of the main page, a menu called City Gas Company Status will appear. Select this.




Numerous suppliers are available for each region. If you find and select a supplier in your region, a homepage will appear with an introduction to the supplier. Direct access to the homepage.





For example, in the case of Seoul City Gas, access the homepage and select ‘Fare inquiry’ from the bill inquiry and payment menu.




If you enter the usage contract number for simple rate inquiry, you can immediately check the rate for the billing year and month.



If you want to find out the gas cost according to the usage in the future, select Calculate Rate in the side menu.


You need to enter the contract number, but enter the number on your giro or receipt. If you do not know, enter any number. I do not know where it is in Seoul or the metropolitan area, but after 60033, enter any 5 digits and check if it is a normal number.




Look at the previous month’s details, add the amount of gas you want to calculate, and enter it in the guideline. For example, if the previous month’s usage was 1400 and you want to know the gas price for 100m3, enter 1500 in the instruction field. If you click Calculate, the price for gas usage is calculated.




When the usage is 100, the fee is slightly over 146,000 won. In this way, by looking at the meter and inferring the usage, you can infer how much the city gas bill will be next month.