돈꿈해몽 Dream interpretation of money Dream of picking up money Dream of receiving money

돈꿈해몽Taehwa Mountain Manager

In life, money is a means of living, but let’s find out the meaning of dreams about money in dreams.

1. Dream of seeing a lot of banknotes
It is an expression of business luck that allows you to borrow business funds or increase your assets through cooperation with public institutions such as social organizations or companies.
2. Dream of touching money
Touching money means worry and worry, and it symbolizes that this worry and worry will continue.  
3. Dream of picking up money falling from the sky
It is a good dream that gives a green light to reality and allows you to work harder and achieve good results.

4. A dream in which money is piled up in the yard of the house.
It is a sign that wealth will come into the house or something good will happen to me.
5. Dream of losing or having money stolen
It means losing my rights.

6. Dream of exchanging rice and money
Being robbed of food or having to barter it is a bad dream and will cause you anxiety and worry. 
7. Dream of receiving fake money
It is an expression of warning that gains made through unfair means will return to their original form.

8. Dream of throwing money away
A dream of throwing away one’s bad luck.
9. Dream of making money through gambling
It implies acquiring wealth through sincere efforts, and means bearing fruit through time and effort.

10. Dream of saving in the bank
A dream where you can expect unexpected windfall. 
As we conclude the dream interpretation of money, I hope you have a dream of saving. end.
Taehwa Mountain Manager
I wish I had known in advance

