부산 동백패스 신청 및 할인 혜택 총정리 Summary of Busan Dongbaek Pass application and discount benefits

You can save on transportation costs with the Busan Dongbaek Pass. Aren’t transportation costs too expensive these days?

The burden of ever-increasing transportation costs is increasing.


동백패스 신청

동백패스 신청


You can save at least 40,000 won through the Busan Dongbaek Pass, which goes into effect on August 1.

Nowadays, many economical transportation cards are coming out, and nothing offers better cashback benefits than the Dongbaek Pass.


Please take just 3 minutes to read this article and be sure to receive this benefit.


Busan Dongbaek Pass Dongbaekjeon

Let’s find out how to apply for the Busan Dongbaek Pass and its benefits.


Busan Dongbaek Pass Dongbaekjeon


The Busan Dongbaek Pass is an integrated public transportation discount system in Busan Metropolitan City that will be implemented for the first time in the country starting August 1.


The integrated public transportation discount system is a system that refunds the ‘excess amount’ when using public transportation such as buses, city railroads, village buses, and light rail for more than 45,000 won.

Eligible for use: buses, city railways, village buses, light rail (excluding express 2000)
Condition: If you spend more than 4,5000 won per month, the excess amount will be refunded.
Usage limit: 90,000 won
Refund limit: 45,000 won
Applicants for Busan Bank Dongbaekjeon check card and postpaid transportation

If you spent 70,000 won on public transportation fares in August,

If you spend more than 45,000 won, you will receive a Dongbaekjeon cashback refund of 25,000 won in September next month.


How to apply for Busan Dongbaek Pass Dongbaekjeon
Busan Dongbaek Pass Dongbaekjeon

Busan Dongbaek Pass
Eligibility: Anyone using public transportation in Busan Metropolitan City

Busan Bank Dongbaekjeon Check Card Postpaid Transportation Applicant


Apply for Dongbaekjeon check card


Note: To issue a smartphone, you must be 18 years of age or older.


full age calculator



1. To use Dongbaek Pass, you need a postpaid check card.


When opening a Dongbaek Pass postpaid check card, you must have a deposit account at Busan Bank.


Open a Busan Bank account



2. If you already have a Busan Bank account, you can apply for a card through the ‘Dongbaekjeon’ app.


1. Download the Dongbaekjeon app.

2. Click Card Application at the top.

3. Click Busan Bank Dongbaekjeon Check Card.

4. Apply.


Android app download


Download iPhone App



Hana Bank and NH Nonghyup Bank Dongbaekjeon Postpaid Card are scheduled to open in October, so those who want to receive benefits in advance

Please apply for the Busan Bank Dongbaekjeon postpaid card right now.


Busan Dongbaek Pass Dongbaekjeon
Busan Dongbaek Pass Dongbaekjeon
Busan Dongbaek Pass Dongbaekjeon
Busan Dongbaek Pass Dongbaekjeon
Things to prepare when signing up for Busan Dongbaek Pass Dongbaekjeon membership
To use the Dongbaekjeon Dongbaek Pass, the following items are required.


Required items: Busan Bank Dongbaekjeon postpaid transportation check card, Dongbaekjeon app, Dongbaek Pass application


If the previously issued Busan Bank check card does not have a postpaid transportation function, you must obtain a new one to use the Dongbaek Jeon Dongbaek Pass transportation card.


Apply for Dongbaekjeon transportation card


Precautions for Busan Dongbaek Pass Dongbaekjeon

1. Among the Busan Bank Dongbaekjeon check cards, only those with the ‘postpaid transportation’ function are eligible for the benefit.


2. Even if you already have a Busan Bank check card, you must separately apply for the ‘Dongbaek Pass Service’ in the app.


3. Only fares for one person are eligible for refund, excluding fares for two or more people.


4. Youth fares and child fares are not eligible for refund.


5. If you cancel the Dongbaek Pass service early, the public transportation refund will be forfeited.


Busan Bank Dongbaek Free Pass Event

Various products such as Dyson Supersonic hair dryer, AirPod Pro 2nd generation, Starbucks coffee gift cone, etc. are offered to all customers.

We plan to provide it to you, so please go to the website right now and take advantage of the various benefits.


Go to Dongbaekjeon Benefits


Various events will be held until August 31st.


Even if only one postpaid transportation payment is made, 10 people will be issued a 1-year public transportation free pass and 45,000 won in transportation subsidy for 100 people.


Comparison of Busan Dongbaek Pass and Economical Transportation Card Plus

Economical transportation card
First of all, the economical transportation card gives up to 20% mileage by calculating the distance traveled by walking or biking when using public transportation, and the card company provides an additional 10% discount.


The discount you can receive per year is 800,000 won per year or 6,600 won per month.


You can save up to 30% on transportation costs when you use the Economical Transportation Card Plus.

Cons: You have to build up mileage by walking.


Busan Dongbaek Pass
On the other hand, the Busan Dongbaek Pass is a system that provides refunds when a certain monthly amount is exceeded.

If your transportation cost is more than 45,000 won, you can definitely apply for the Dongbaek Pass.

The discount rate is 50%.