만세력 보는법 I’ll see my order! How to read the free manpower calendar

만세력 보는법At the beginning of the year or before an important event, people go to fortune telling.
I also watch it for fun sometimes.
I was curious about how fortune telling was viewed, so I did a little research.

It is not possible to guess the future by perfectly interpreting fortune telling.
Here’s a way to get a little taste of it.

Meaning of fortune telling

The four pillars are eight letters on four pillars.
What does this mean?
I will explain through the following picture.

Did you know that 2020 is the Year of the Rat?
It is also said to be the year of the white rat.
In the East, this is how time is named.

The names given to time like this are
Two letters for year, two letters for month, two letters for day, two letters for hour
There are a total of eight characters (eight characters).

And each two letters are called ‘ju(柱)’ which means pillar.
There are four pillars: the yearly week, the monthly week, the daily week, and the hourly week. (The Four Pillars)

In the picture above, each cell represents one letter.
Two squares of the same color represent one column.

The letters combined with 10 Cheongan letters and 12 Jiji letters are called 60 Gapja.

Of the two letters that make up time,
The space above is ‘Cheongan’
The space below is called ‘support’.
Therefore, when calling each letter
Cheongan in work, that is, ‘daily’
It’s called a ‘log’ in your work.

Now, if you knew this far
You will be able to know your circumnavigation.
From now on, I will explain how to view it in terms of the Universal Calendar.

How to read the all-powerful calendar

I understand the principles of fortune-telling.
So how can you know your letters?
What is used at that time is the universal calendar.
These days, there are a lot of free calendars available on the Internet.
Among them, let’s look at the calendar that comes up first when you type in Google.


When you enter the above site, you will see the following screen.

Here, enter the information in the yellow box and
Just click on the ‘View all forces’ tab at the bottom.

round view

This table shows your fortune.
It is his fortune telling.
It may seem complicated, but there are only a few things we will look at.
First, based on what was explained above,
Watch ‘One Week’.

In the photo just above, the one week route is ‘Mujin’.
You can learn many things just by knowing your daily cycle.
In Saju, Il-il means ‘I’.
You can find out about your personality, tendencies, and identity.
As you focus on this day, the meanings of other letters around you change.
Therefore, it can be said that finding out about this circumnavigation is the first step toward fortune telling.

If you knew your daily routine
Just search ‘00 1 week’ on Google.
There are various explanations for each circumnavigation.

Daewoon and Seun

The next things to see are Daeun and Seun.
In the sandbar, luck changes significantly once every 10 years.
It’s Daeun.

The numbers 73 – 63 – 53 – 43 – 33 – 23 – 13 – 3 above indicate age.
Below are 2093 – 2083 – 2073 – 2063 – 2053 – 2043 – 2033 -2023.
This is the corresponding year for that age.

It means that your luck changes at that year and age.
There is a difference of about 1 to 2 years depending on the universal calendar.
This is because each calendar chooses a different age between 10,000 years and Korean years.
Luck can change suddenly
It is common for things to change gradually.
Approximately 1 to 2 years forward or backward based on the age shown in the Universal Calendar.
You can think of it as a sign of change.

Seun is the fortune of every year.
Like the year of Gyeongja, the letters of the year are
Finding out the year by looking at the relationship between my eight letters is
It’s New Year’s fortune.

Also in the table above
This age is 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3
The numbers below are the years for that age.
The letters below are for that year.

After identifying the letters of a particularly difficult or particularly good year,
Based on that, you can think about your luck.


According to the above method of viewing the manpower calendar,
I don’t know exactly how lucky I am.
There are many other factors in
The interpretation varies depending on how they are combined.
In order to know all that
It requires a long period of study.

Still, just knowing your circumnavigation
It can be quite helpful in analyzing yourself.
When I went to see the fortune teller
You will be able to better understand what the person is saying.

This was good information just for fun.

View free 2022 New Year’s horoscope

Comprehensive list of free sites where you can see your 2022 New Year’s horoscope!
Collection of free New Year’s horoscopes for 2022 At the beginning of every year, I wonder what kind of year I will have, whether many good things will happen, and whether I will be able to achieve what I want. And I keep looking for a New Year’s fortune to know this.

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