맨발 걷기 [Photo] Yeoju City recommends Hwanghaksan Mountain’s ‘barefoot health walking’ spot < Photo News < Text of the article - Naewae News Agency

맨발 걷기Recently, it has become known that barefoot walking is beneficial to health, and a craze for barefoot walking is spreading throughout the country.

Accordingly, Yeoju City, Gyeonggi-do (Mayor Lee Choong-woo) announced, “We will begin the maintenance of a healing trail so that citizens can walk barefoot along the Hwanghaksan Mountain trail more comfortably.”

Hwanghaksan Mountain is accessible by foot from Hwanghaksan Arboretum and downtown Yeoju. The slope is gentle, so anyone can take a light walk. It is made up of Masato dirt paths that are effective for walking barefoot, so the number of hikers using it as a barefoot trail is gradually increasing.

Yeoju City has installed convenience facilities such as an octagonal pavilion observatory rest area, exercise facilities, and rest facilities on the Hwanghaksan Mountain hiking trail, and is installing and maintaining safety and rest facilities every year for the convenience of hikers.

In October of this year, the installation of walking mats, wooden stairs, and information boards was completed to ensure the safety of hikers visiting Hwanghaksan Mountain, and the pruning and thinning of trees around the Palgakjeong Observation Rest Area was completed to provide citizens visiting Hwanghaksan Mountain with a panoramic view of Yeoju and the Namhangang River. presented.

In 2024, we plan to take the lead in spreading the barefoot walking culture by continuing to carry out maintenance for hikers, such as installing two simple foot-washing stations on the Hwanghaksan hiking trail, maintaining wooden stairs, and improving the road surface.

Yeoju Mayor Lee Choong-woo said, “These days, forest bathing is in the spotlight as the number of Yeoju citizens looking for healthy outdoor activities increases. We aim to create a variety of leisure and cultural spaces by continuously improving the barefoot path within the Hwanghaksan Forest Trail so that citizens can feel nature near their homes and improve their health.” “We will do our best to increase your satisfaction,” he said.
Internal and external news agency, NBNNEWS
Article URL: http://www.nbnnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=800571

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