물고기 꿈해몽 Dream Interpretation – Dream about fish

물고기 꿈해몽Did you dream of a fish last night? Fish symbolizes money, progress in work, and state of mind. 
 A dream of catching a big fish is a prenatal dream that you will conceive a baby who will become a great person, or that you will receive great wealth. A dream of a pond full of fish means that wealth and good luck will come to you one after another. The path to success and prosperity opens in business or work. Dreaming of catching fish at the bottom of a dried-up reservoir means collecting money through unfair means.  Dream of catching fish: You will gain profit depending on the size and number of fish. You will be in an advantageous position in business or document transactions. Gaining profits from stock investment or work. A dream of a very small fish resting on the palm of your hand. Expectations were high, but you will be discouraged by the results or finish the work without success.  A dream of catching a large fish with a basket or pole means gaining wealth. The larger the amount, the greater wealth you get.        
  A dream of a fish jumping onto a boat means that a path to success will open up or you will pass a test or interview. A dream about a fish flying across the water. Your mind is not stable, so things get out of hand or you become entangled in them. A dream about small fish being caught in a net and coming up. Small wealth or interests will be gathered together to make a big fortune. A dream of releasing a caught fish means that difficult or lonely events in reality are coming to an end and something good is beginning. A dream of seeing a fish swimming leisurely in the water means that your luck is increasing as it shows your psychologically stable state.  
The dream of releasing a fish means that the water is myself and the fish means wealth, so it means prosperity and gaining a great status in the future. The dream of choosing a fish means that you will have to judge a work or work or distribute wealth. Missing the fish you caught. The dream means that work or performance may not achieve as much as expected or may fail. A dream of a dead fish floating in the water means that there may be problems with work.   It is said that dreams are a reflection of the unconscious. No matter what dream you had, I think that if you use it as a way to recognize your state of mind, you will be able to make better choices in reality.     
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