사전채무조정 Personal free workout ‘pre-debt adjustment’ implemented from the 13th

사전채무조정Implementation with a one-year deadline to prevent the deterioration of the soundness of financial companies due to the increase in long-term delinquents.
Starting on the 13th, ‘Pre-Workout’, which adjusts the debt of those who are one to three months past due, will be implemented.
This system is a temporary system that is implemented for one year. After the 13th, those who have borrowed less than 500 million won from the financial sector and have been delinquent for more than 30 days but less than 90 days will be subject to overdue interest through prior debt adjustment by the Credit Recovery Committee. may be exempted or the interest burden may be reduced. Additionally, in some cases, it is possible to defer debt repayment for up to one year.
However, in order to prevent moral hazard, the Financial Services Commission decided to provide benefits only when new debt incurred within 6 months of applying for prior debt adjustment is less than 30% of the total debt and when the loan repayment ratio to annual income is more than 30%.
The Financial Services Commission said, “The delinquency rate of household loans is increasing due to worsening internal and external economic conditions, and there are concerns about prolonged delinquency,” and “through free work out, we aim to prevent the increase in long-term delinquents and the resulting decline in the soundness of financial companies.” revealed.
Applicants must: ▶ Applicants with a total debt of less than 500 million won to two financial companies ▶ Applicants with more than 30 days but less than 90 days of delinquency with one or more financial companies ▶ Applicants with a new debt ratio of less than 30/100 in the 6 months prior to application ▶ Debt repayment ratio Those with 30% or more of this ▶ Those with asset value of less than 600 million won ▶ Those recognized by the Committee as having difficulty repaying debt normally without prior debt adjustment support due to unemployment, temporary suspension, business closure, disaster, decrease in income, etc. All criteria must be met. .$$$$$

