삼성카드 재발급 Find out how to apply for reissuance of Samsung Card

Samsung Card 4 benefits are good, so I got a reissue

It’s like the expiration date has expired.

It feels like I got it back with a new card lol 삼성카드 재발급

삼성카드 재발급

I lost it and had to get a replacement ^^; 이베이스매뉴얼

I mostly use Samsung Pay.

I hardly ever touch the physical card.

Still, ah, sometimes

Do you ever need a physical card?

Even though I don’t use many cards.

One day I suddenly noticed

I have one check card left in my wallet ^^;

It has become a time when wallets are also heavy.

(Because the phone is the wallet in the era)

There is no need to open the wallet

Even if you go out with a physical card

I don’t put it in my wallet and take it with me.

I go out with a single card.

I can’t find it in my pants pocket

I can’t even look through my bag ^^;

After a month or two

Passing by my youngest brother

Talking like gossip

What if I just leave it like that?

They told me to report the loss immediately and get a replacement.

If you hadn’t heard that

wherever my card is

You might not have cared…

I think I don’t know .

#Samsung Card 4 Honestly

As much as I am a child who was attracted to because of the design.

Performance is important, but

For me, design is an equal rank.

For me, who wanted achromatic colors without any pictures

I really like the all-white color of Samsung Card 4 haha

Samsung Card 4 as well as design

There are also various benefits,

as shown on the front of the card

Basic 0.7% discount is unconditional

1% discount on purchases of 10,000 won or more.

That is, if less than Rs.

Unconditionally 0.7% and over 100,000 won

You can see the 1% discount –

Of course, the amount per case, right?

Discounts apply to all cinemas.

I haven’t been to a movie theater since the corona outbreak ^^;

It’s a sad part.

Samsung Card 4 2-3 months

Interest-free installments also apply.

When you need to make a large payment

It is not affiliated with Samsung Card.

Even if installment is not possible

Samsung Card 4 is an exception.

Interest free 2-3 months

This is what attracted me the most –

At the time of deciding to use Samsung Card 4

I didn’t know there was a card called 4+ ^^;

If I had known, 4+ would be meticulously

I was hoping to find out by comparison.

Why didn’t I know this before – I found it out of regret

The 4+ card is said to be a card whose issuance has been suspended –

That is, only existing members

We provide continuous service –

Please see the accompanying guide

You can check more details about the benefits.

There is also information about the Amex card.

The most important annual fee is also listed.

I am seeing more benefits than I paid the annual fee –

I think it’s pointless to ask for an annual fee.

Even if you look at the various benefits

It’s easiest to understand with an example.

Please see the flyer for examples of benefits.

easy to explain

You can easily compare them 🙂

There are also benefits for members with existing 4+ cards.

It is detailed and can be compared with 4 cards –

What are the benefits of Samsung Card 4?

When choosing a card, I looked at it carefully.

I will continue to use it in the future 🙂

I recommend it to anyone looking for a good credit card.