생애주기별 건강검진 검사항목 및 대상자 유형과 비용 Health checkup items by life cycle, type of subject, and cost

This information provides information on health checkups for each life cycle, from infants to the elderly. We explained the examination items and cycles required for each life cycle. We strive for early detection and prevention of diseases through health checkups, emphasizing that they are an important factor in maintaining a healthy life. It was explained that there are additional check-up items and cycles during life transitions, free health check-ups are provided to those in their 40s and older, and cancer check-ups and osteoporosis check-ups are required for those in their 50s.

생애주기별 건강검진

생애주기별 건강검진

Health checkup by life cycle
Health check-up by life cycle
Infants (0-6 years old)
Infants and young children need regular health checkups because they grow and develop quickly. Representative items include the following:

Body measurements (weight, height, head circumference, etc.)
Nutritional status and growth assessment
Examination of ears, nose, mouth, eyes, etc.
Check physical growth and development status
Check if there are any special issues
Children (7-12 years old)
As children enter school age and their physical and mental development expands, the scope of health checkups also expands. The main points are:

Body measurements (weight, height, etc.)
Nutritional status and growth assessment
Adrenocortical function test
Examination of ears, nose, mouth, eyes, etc.
Check physical growth and development status
Check your dental health
Vision and hearing tests
Assessment of academic and social adaptability
Youth (13-18 years old)
As adolescents enter the growth period, they undergo many physical and mental changes. During this period, the following items are examined:

Body measurements (weight, height, etc.)
Nutritional status and growth assessment
Adrenocortical function test
Examination of ears, nose, mouth, eyes, etc.
Check physical growth and development status
Check your dental health
Vision and hearing tests
Assessment of academic and social adaptability
Growth and sexual development counseling
Health checkup according to gender (male sexual function test for men, female genital health checkup for women)
Adult (19-64 years old)
It is generally recommended that adults get a health checkup every year. During this period, the following items are examined:

Body measurements (weight, height, etc.)
blood pressure measurement
Blood tests (blood type, blood sugar, serum glottis, etc.)
Liver/kidney function tests
Cancer screening (breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, etc.)
Thyroid function tests
Nutritional status and growth assessment
Vision and hearing tests
Check your dental health
Health check-up according to gender (prostate cancer for men, breast cancer for women, etc.)
Elderly (age 65 or older)
Elderly people play an important role in the early detection and management of chronic diseases through health checkups. The following will be checked:

Body measurements (weight, height, etc.)
blood pressure measurement
Blood tests (blood type, blood sugar, serum glottis, etc.)
Liver/kidney function tests
Cancer screening (breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, etc.)
Thyroid function tests
Nutritional status and growth assessment
Vision and hearing tests
Check your dental health
Health check-up according to gender (prostate cancer for men, breast cancer for women, etc.)
Dementia and depression screening
Social and emotional support and counseling
Life transition period health check-up
The life transition period is defined as the 40s to 50s for men and the 45s to 55s for women, and is also called middle age. During this period, you may be exposed to various health problems, so regular health checkups are necessary.

Health checkup items
1. Blood test: Metabolic diseases can be detected early by testing blood lipids, diabetes, liver function, kidney function, etc.

2. Cancer screening: Mammography, cervical cancer screening, colon cancer screening, etc. are performed to detect cancer early.

3. Endocrine test: thyroid function, male hormones, female hormones, etc. are tested to detect endocrine diseases early.

4. Cardiovascular examination: The risk of cardiovascular disease is assessed through blood pressure measurement, electrocardiogram, echocardiography, etc.

5. Osteoporosis test: Measures bone density to evaluate the risk of osteoporosis.

checkup cycle
Life transition health checkups are generally recommended to be conducted annually or once every two years. However, the checkup cycle may vary depending on the individual’s health condition, so you should consult with your doctor to determine the appropriate cycle.

Health checkups during life transition periods are an important factor in maintaining a healthy life. Through regular checkups, you can strive for early detection and prevention of diseases and prepare for a healthy old age.

Free health check-up for those over 40 years old
We provide free health checkups for people over 40 years of age.

Health checkups check your physical health and help with early detection of diseases.

Screening items include:

blood pressure measurement
blood test
cancer screening
Liver function test
diabetes screening
Bone density measurement
Health checkups are by appointment only and must be made in advance.

Application for health check-up during life transition period
The life transition health checkup is a health checkup conducted on adult men and women aged 40 to 74. This checkup can check an individual’s health status and help with early detection and prevention of disease.

To apply for a life transition health checkup, please follow the procedures below.

1. Apply online for National Health Insurance Corporation
Go to the National Health Insurance Corporation’s website and apply for a life transition health checkup. You will be asked to enter the required personal information and available dates.

2. Reservation confirmation
After application and the reservation is completed, a reservation confirmation email or text message will be sent. Please check your reservation date and time and be sure to prepare to receive the examination on that date and time.

3. Visit to the health checkup center
Visit the health checkup center on the reserved date and receive a checkup. A variety of tests may be performed at the screening center, including blood tests, physical measurements, eye exams, and biopsies.

4. Check the results
The results of the examination can be checked on the National Health Insurance Corporation’s website after a certain period of time. If there is an abnormality in the results, additional tests or detailed consultation may be required, so you should consult with your doctor to take action.

Please be sure to participate in the life transition health checkup, which is provided free of charge every year. Constant health care is necessary for a healthy life.

Health check-up items for those aged 40 or older
blood pressure measurement
Weight and height measurements
Body fat percentage measurement
Blood tests (blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.)
Liver function tests (AST, ALT)
Renal function test (creatinine, urea nitrogen)
Measuring bone density (DEXA test)
Cancer screening (stomach cancer, colon cancer, etc.)
Ophthalmological examination (vision test)
hearing test
Simple neurological test (cognitive function, motor ability, etc.)
Screening by cancer type (chest X-ray, breast ultrasound, etc.)
Life Transition Period Health Checkup Questionnaire
The life transition health checkup is for adult men and women over 40 years of age. Through this examination, various diseases and health conditions can be evaluated to help with early detection and prevention.

Checkup items
1. Blood pressure measurement

2. Blood tests (hemoglobin, blood sugar, cholesterol, etc.)

3. Kidney function tests (urine protein, creatinine, etc.)

4. Thyroid function tests (TSH, T3, T4, etc.)

5. Liver function tests (AST, ALT, gamma TP, etc.)

6. Obesity measurement (body mass index, waist circumference, etc.)

7. Cancer screening (breast ultrasound, cervical cancer screening, etc.)

8. Osteoporosis screening (bone density test)

9. Ophthalmological examination (vision test)

10. Hearing test

checkup cycle
Transition health checkups are typically conducted once every two years, but additional checkups may be necessary due to serious illness or other factors.

Interpretation of examination results
The results of the examination require detailed interpretation in consultation with a doctor, which can determine the individual’s health status and necessary actions.

※ Note: This questionnaire contains general information, and additional examination may be required depending on individual circumstances. Please consult your healthcare provider for more details.

Medical benefits and life transition checkups
The medical benefit life transition checkup is a checkup conducted in Korea for adult men and women aged 40 to 69. This examination is supported by medical benefits under the National Health Insurance Act, and can be received once every two years.

Life transition checkups are conducted to detect and prevent various diseases and health conditions early. The examination may include general health counseling, blood tests, urinalysis, ultrasound, and mammography, and additional tests may be performed depending on gender.

The results of the examination are analyzed on an individual basis, and if any abnormalities are found, additional examination or treatment may be required. This allows you to maintain a healthy life through early detection and treatment of diseases.

Medical benefits Life transition checkups play an important role in improving people’s health, and it is recommended that they be received on a regular basis. Detailed information can be found on the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service website or the public health center in your area.

What is a life transition period?
Life transition is an important period in the human life cycle, meaning the transition from childhood to adulthood. Typically, the life transition period is classified as adolescence or young adulthood, and includes the period from approximately 10 to 25 years of age.

The life transition period is a time when great physical, emotional, and social changes occur. During this period, physical strength and growth increase rapidly, and changes in hormonal levels drive growth and development. In addition, through the process of forming identity, strengthening independence, and forming social relationships, children acquire responsibilities and roles as adults.

Life transitions are also known as the crossroads of academic and career choices. During this period, young people begin to explore and pursue academic and career interests and have opportunities to discover and develop their abilities and interests.

Additionally, the life transition period also means social change and the beginning of an independent life. As you become a teenager or young adult, there may be changes in family relationships, friendships, and social roles, and you form your own values and beliefs.

Health checkup cycle for people in their 50s
As you enter your 50s, health checkups become more important. You can maintain your health by receiving regular health checkups to determine your health status and treat diseases that are discovered early. Below is a guide to the health checkup cycle for people in their 50s.

1. General health checkup
If you are in your 50s, it is recommended to get a general health checkup every two years. Through this, you can check items such as blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol to determine the risk of chronic diseases.

2. Cancer screening
Cancer screening is also necessary in your 50s. You should get screened for colon cancer every 10 years, starting at age 50. Women must additionally undergo breast cancer screening.

3. Osteoporosis screening
Women in their 50s also need to be screened for osteoporosis. This is one checkup you cannot refuse every two years.