소론도정 부작용 Summary of the efficacy (Solondo tab) efficacy

Soron Dojeong Efficacy Side Effects Summary
Soron Dojeong is a pill that anyone should have taken at least once. It is a type of adrenocorticotropic hormone that is well-known as a steroid that suppresses inflammatory reactions. It is called Soron DoTap in English, and it acts in a role similar to that of the adrenal gland, one of the organs. 소론도정 부작용

Adrenal location
The organ called the adrenal gland is attached to the kidneys in the shape of a triangle and is responsible for hormone production. The adrenal gland secretes adrenaline inside and adrenocortical hormone on the outside. The name may be difficult, but as the name suggests, it can be divided into hormones that come from the outside of the adrenal gland. Representative examples of these adrenocortical hormones include cortisol, aldosterone, and adrenal-androgen.

inhibitors of the inflammatory response
It is easy to think of it as a simple way to treat dermatitis because Sorondo tablets are widely used to suppress the body’s inflammatory response. It is difficult to express all of its utility with just one inflammatory suppression because it has a variety of other effects. However, it can be said that it is widely used for commonly known inflammatory diseases. jasminevista.com

adrenocortical hormone preparation Sorondo Tab
hormonal side effects 소론도정 부작용
It is highly useful in many ways because it suppresses inflammation, but for this reason, there can be a big risk if it is used excessively or for a long time. Since it takes the role of the adrenal gland, if it is used continuously, the adrenal gland of our body adapts to the situation and gradually reduces its role. If it is used continuously for a long time, the adrenal gland may lose its function.

Use taboo
Therefore, care must be taken in long-term use, and care must also be taken when stopping after long-term use. If the adrenal gland suddenly stops playing its role properly after a long period of time, it must suddenly play a number of roles, but the body cannot withstand that role immediately.

the interrelationship between long-term use and the body
If we suddenly exercise rapidly, such as soccer or basketball, while we haven’t been exercising for a long time, it can lead to muscle pain and physical damage such as bruises and fractures due to the impact with others. Likewise, Soron should not suddenly cut off after a long period of use, but gradually reduce the amount and give the adrenal gland room to recover its role.

In addition to the inflammatory response, there are many different roles, but this time we briefly looked at the functional relationship between the inflammatory response and the adrenal gland. The same will be true of all drugs and body interactions, but you should pay attention to the use and use it according to the opinion of the specialist who prescribed it.