시설잡 구인구직 이용방법 How to use the facility job search service

In this post, we will introduce the ‘Facility Job Recruitment Site’ for those who are looking for facility management or apartment job information. The Facility Job site prioritizes professional jobs. Find the job you want by going to the Facility Job Recruitment Site.



Facility Job Recruitment Site

Facility Job Recruitment Site

Facility Job is a specialized employment site platform in Korea. You can quickly gather job information on the Facility Job Recruitment Site. It is a site where you can find various jobs by registering your resume or job posting for free.

How to use Facility Job

We will guide you on how to use the Facility Job Recruitment Site. If you want to recruit, you need to register a job posting, and if you are looking for a job, you need to register your resume.

After signing up at the top of the Facility Job homepage > Login
Job Seekers: ‘Free Resume Registration’ at the top left
Job Seekers: ‘Free Job Posting Registration’ at the top right

Find New Job Information

You can find job posting information for apartment and facility management positions on Facility Job (Sisuljob). You can see the company name, recruitment department, annual salary, work location, recruitment deadline, and registration date at a glance.

When searching for Facility Job recruitment information, you can search by company name, region, or recruitment department in detail.
You can check the desired recruitment information in detail by clicking on ‘Recruitment Department’.
You can use each recruitment information after registering as a member and logging in.

Go to Facility Job recruitment information

Facility management and apartment job positions
Facility management positions are positions that are responsible for facility management of various buildings (factories, apartments, etc.). As various buildings are being built, facility management positions are also considered promising positions. You can easily find recruitment information related to facility management at Facility Job.

Advantages of facility management positions: Improvement of specialized skills in various positions, stable job prospects
Disadvantages of facility management positions: Physical ability, risk factors in the field, etc.