신한카드 해지 [Information] How to cancel Shinhan Card with Shinhan Play app

If you are using a Shinhan Card and start trading with another card, or if you no longer use it, it is better to cancel it. If you leave it alone, you can cancel it immediately and get a reissue later if necessary. When the card is canceled, all transactions are immediately suspended. It can no longer be used. After you apply for cancellation, you cannot cancel (only available on the same day), so please think again before proceeding.
In some cases, it is usually done over the phone, but there may be a delay in calling, so why cancel the call? There are also cases where they are dissuaded not to cancel, which is a bit cumbersome. A convenient way is to apply for cancellation using the Shinhan Card app and it will be processed immediately.
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Notes on cancellation 신한카드 해지
It is not possible to cancel the original cancellation, but it is possible by calling the customer center on the day of cancellation and asking for cancellation.
Cancellation is available from 9 am to 6 pm. 이베이스매뉴얼
If there is an automatic transfer (payment) to the card, automatic conversion to another card may not work. (Check through the customer center)
If you have My Shinhan Points remaining, it is recommended to use them (cashback/conversion/billing payment/annual fee payment/shopping, etc.) before cancellation. Upon cancellation, the accumulated points will no longer be usable.


신한카드 해지
Depending on the date of cancellation, payment for public transportation or recent payments may be charged after cancellation.
Checks before cancellation
Change to another card or account after checking if there is any automatic payment transfer
Redeem or convert points after checking if there are any remaining points
Is it better to cancel? I’ll just leave it alone and use it again later! rethink
Cancellation from Shinhan Card App
Run Shinhan Card App
△ Run the Shinhan Card app on your mobile phone.
Touch the full menu on the home screen
△ Touch the ≡ (all menu) icon in the upper right corner of the app screen.
Select Cancel menu in My Information Management
△ Select “My” on the left side of the entire menu, scroll down from the screen on the right side, and touch Manage My Information > Cancel Card.
Check before cancellation
Choose which card to cancel
△ Be sure to cancel your card! Make sure you understand what you are asked to confirm and move on to the next at the bottom of the screen. Check the card you want to cancel from the My Card list.
Confirm all cancellation requests
△ When a notification window appears asking if you really want to apply, tap OK.
Double-check your application
△ Check the contents of the application once again and proceed to the next step. From the next step, select the reason for cancellation and proceed with identity verification. You can choose between mobile phone/joint certificate/card to authenticate yourself. After completing the authentication, touch the Cancellation Complete button at the bottom of the screen to complete the cancellation request normally. It depends on the individual, but why do you sometimes cancel? There are cases where you may receive a disapproval call asking you not to do it, so please refer to it if you want to cancel.