실업급여 조건 Unemployment benefit eligibility conditions and application method (for nursing care workers)

실업급여 조건It may seem complicated to those just starting out or applying for the first time, but it is not difficult.

Being unemployed can make you feel discouraged, but it puts your mind at ease when you think about receiving money through your employment insurance.

① Working at a workplace covered by employment insurance
② Recommended resignation, dismissal, contract expiration, retirement, involuntary resignation
③ Number of working days (period of employment insurance subscription) 180 days or more
– 18 months before the date of job change, 24 months for ultra-short-time workers
④ Those who have the intention and ability to pursue re-employment activities

① In case of resignation and resignation
(You must have a justifiable reason to receive unemployment benefits. For example, the company has relocated or you have been treated unfairly differently from the contract)
② In case of resignation due to health reasons
(Unemployment benefits require that you be able to seek employment. If you are unable to get a job due to illness, you are not eligible for unemployment benefits. There are regulations that prevent you from being eligible for unemployment benefits, but if you submit a medical certificate, doctor’s opinion, etc., your eligibility will be determined. possible )
③ Dismissal due to violation of law
(If you are sentenced to imprisonment or more severe punishment, are fired for embezzlement of public funds, leaking company secrets, destroying property, or are fired for long-term unexcused absences, etc.)

※ Unemployment benefits for visiting care workers
Visiting care workers can also receive unemployment benefits if their employment is involuntary.
However, if an elderly person enters a nursing home or nursing hospital and the contract expires and the center offers to renew the contract, but the caregiver refuses, it is difficult to view it as an involuntary resignation, so it is considered that the elderly person cannot receive unemployment benefits.

※ Unemployment benefits for family care workers
Family care workers also pay employment insurance, so if they meet the conditions as ultra-short-time workers, they are eligible for unemployment benefits.

The amount of unemployment benefits per month varies from person to person.

The daily job search benefit amount is 60% of the average wage, and the upper and lower limits are set.

Upper and lower limits by year

The lower limit is 80% of the minimum wage for the relevant year under the Minimum Wage Act.

Approximately, you receive around 1.5 million to 1.8 million won per month.
Unemployment benefits are paid for 120 to 270 days depending on the age at the time of job change.

Payment due date (date of job change – after October 1, 2019)
(Date of job change – before October 1, 2019)

Unemployment benefit simulation calculator

The amount you can receive each month and how many months you can receive it are written in the notebook provided by the employment center.

Unemployment benefits cannot be received after 12 months from the day after retirement.
After losing your job, you must visit the employment center without delay to report it.

① After losing a job, the employer reports the job change confirmation and loss of employment insurance eligibility report to the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service.
② Apply for a job on Worknet yourself
③ Completion of online training to qualify for employment insurance website
④ Re-visit the employment center within 14 days of the end of training to be recognized as eligible for benefits.
⑤ Apply for job search benefits
⑥ Visit every 1-4 weeks to receive unemployment recognition (also available online)

Recipients of unemployment benefits must look for work.
If you are receiving unemployment benefits and want to get a job and receive benefits, you must report it.

If you do not report it on time, you may be subject to a separate investigation by an investigator for illegal supply.

If you feel like you don’t know anything, just visit the employment center.
If you apply for unemployment benefits at a job center, you will be provided with offline training that will teach you the entire process of receiving unemployment benefits.

You don’t have to worry in advance that you don’t know anything about how to register for a job on WorkNet, how to use the Employment Insurance website, how to find a job, and how to recognize your eligibility.

When you apply for unemployment benefits, you will be assigned a person in charge. If you have any questions, you can call or visit the person in charge.

If you follow the employment center’s training instructions carefully, you can receive unemployment benefits without any problems.

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실업급여 조건

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