여행적금 추천 4가지 4 travel savings recommendations

Information on Hana Bank Travellog travel savings preferential interest rate conditions and how to sign up. Hana Bank has launched the ‘Travellog Travel Savings Savings’ linked to the ‘Travellog Card’, an essential item for overseas travel, which has surpassed 2 million subscribers in just a year since its launch. Travellog Savings is a non-face-to-face exclusive product that can be signed up through the ‘Hana One Q’ app. The subscription amount is between 10,000 won and 500,000 won per month, and the contract period can be specified on a daily basis from at least 3 months to 12 months. Below, we introduce Hana Bank Travellog Travel Savings preferential interest rate conditions and how to sign up.





Hana Bank Travellog Travel Savings Basic Information
Hana Bank Travelolog Travel Savings is a Hana One Q exclusive product that provides preferential interest rates based on Travelolog card usage records. It is a savings product that only one account per person can be signed up for by real-name individuals and self-employed individuals over the age of 14.

Category Content
Eligible for registration: Real-name individuals and self-employed individuals over the age of 14 (one account per person)
Subscription period: 3 months or more ~ 12 months or less (designated in daily or monthly units)
Subscription amount: 10,000 won or more ~ 500,000 won or less (won unit)
Savings limit: 10,000 won or more ~ 500,000 won or less (won unit)
Interest payment method Lump sum payment at maturity: Interest paid upon termination (after maturity)
Accumulation method Free accumulation method




Hana Bank Travellog Travel Savings Interest Rate
Hana Bank Travellog Travel Savings Interest Rate is up to 5.0% per annum, which is a combination of the maximum basic interest rate of 3.0% and the maximum preferential interest rate of 2.0% per annum.


base interest rate
As of November 23, the base interest rate for Hana Bank Travellog Travel Savings is 2.0% per annum when subscribed for more than 3 months but less than 6 months, and 3.0% per annum when subscribed for more than 6 months but less than 12 months. Please check the latest interest rate again before signing up.

▶ Check the latest interest rate for Hana Bank Travellog travel savings

preferential interest rate
Hana Bank Travellog Travel Savings preferential interest rate of up to 2.0% per annum is provided upon maturity if the preferential items below are met. In case of early cancellation, preferential interest rates are not provided.

Preferential items details
Travelogue Card
Usage performance
(Up to 1.80% per annum) From the date of signing up for this deposit to the day before maturity, a payment (recharge) account has been registered with a Hana Bank deposit/withdrawal account, and Travellog (credit and check) card use (approval) has been used (approval) more than 10 times (Note 1). case
※ (Note 1) Only cases where the payment (charge) account is registered with Hana Bank at the time of Travellog card approval are recognized.
【Example】 Not recognized if used (approved) at a beauty salon before registering (changing) a Hana Bank payment account.
Marketing consent
(0.10% per annum) If you agree to all of the consent items for marketing of Hana Bank products and services before signing up for this deposit.
Hana One Q Push Notification Consent
(0.10% per annum) If you agree to Hana 1Q marketing push notifications before signing up for this deposit

Maturity interest example (based on highest interest rate)
– Monthly payment 500,000 won/contract period 12 months/annual 5.0% = interest 162,500 won (before tax)
※ The above is an example and the payment amount, contract period, applicable interest rate, etc. may change depending on the details.




How to sign up for Hana Bank Travellog travel savings account
Hana Bank Travellog Travel Savings is a non-face-to-face only product that can be signed up through the Hana One Q app. Those who do not have the Hana One Q app installed can sign up after installing the app.


1. Hana One Q App

Run the Hana One Q app on your Android/iPhone or other mobile device and log in.


2. Products > Savings > Travelogue Travel Savings

After logging in to the Hana One Q app, select the product menu at the bottom. Afterwards, select the savings menu from the All Products menu. Next, select the Travellog travel savings menu from the savings menu.


Hana Bank Travellog Travel Savings

3. Check product information > Savings amount > Automatic transfer

In the product information menu, select the Check product information menu at the bottom. Then, a menu to apply for membership will appear at the bottom of the screen. Select the Apply for Membership button here. Next, select the savings period and the subscription amount. The savings period can be selected from 3 months to 12 months, and the subscription amount can be selected between 10,000 won and 500,000 won. Next, apply for automatic transfer. Check the automatic transfer request and select the payment date.


4. Withdrawal account > Maturity cancellation > Agree to terms and conditions

Next, select a withdrawal account. You can select a Hana Bank withdrawal account and withdraw money from other financial accounts. Afterwards, select whether to cancel automatically or manually upon expiration and select Receive expiration notification. Afterwards, agree to the terms and conditions and enter your account password to complete your subscription to Hana Bank Travellog Travel Savings.




Hana Bank Travellog Travel Savings Event
Hana Bank will hold a commemorative event until the end of December to coincide with the release date of this new product. Hana Bank plans to provide essential overseas travel items as prizes, such as a travel carrier (1 person), wireless earphone case (1,000 people), and eSIM voucher (2,000 people) through a drawing among those who have ‘Travellog Travel Savings’ during the event period. no see.





Hana Bank Travellog Travel Savings Notes
– Partial cancellation is possible up to two times before the maturity date, and the early cancellation interest rate announced on the date of subscription is applied to the partial cancellation amount. (After partial cancellation, the deposit balance remains at least 10,000 won)

– If seizure, provisional seizure, lien, etc. are registered on the account, payment of principal and interest may be restricted. (including partial cancellation)
※ According to the Civil Execution Act, if the property falls under a bond prohibiting seizure, such as below the minimum cost of living, the seizure can be canceled by applying to the court to change the scope of the bond prohibiting seizure.
– The balance cannot be changed on the day the deposit balance certificate is issued.