오픽 등급표 Level level according to Opic grade (feat. Samsung Opic grade)

오픽 등급표OPIC is a foreign language speaking assessment (Oral Proficiency Interview – Computer) conducted as if it were an actual interview. Rather than simply evaluating vocabulary or grammar, this is a test that measures how appropriately and effectively you can use the vocabulary and grammar you know in real life.

Therefore, before the OPIC test, a background survey is conducted to create personalized questions, and the OPIC test is conducted on topics related to leisure life, interests, travel, occupation, sports, hobbies, etc. An interview-style test with these topics will be conducted to evaluate conversation proficiency and measure overall achievement.

OPIC grade table

OPIC grades are broadly divided into Novice < Intermediate < Advanced. And looking at the OPic grade table above, it looks like the 3 OPic grades are divided into 7 OPic grades. In reality, it is subdivided from the Intermediate Mid grade to Mid < Mid2 < Mid3, and is divided into a total of 9 OPIC grades. Now that English conversation has become more important, the OPIC test, which can determine your conversation level, is becoming more important instead of a test that simply evaluates vocabulary and grammar levels, and is currently being used by over 1,700 companies for recruitment, personnel, and training evaluation. In particular, the OPIC test is the number one evaluation preferred by HR managers at large companies such as Samsung, so the higher the OPIC grade, the more advantageous it is. Since 2020, Samsung Group has not recognized the TOEIC test for its current employees. Instead, OPIC is recognized as an in-house English conversation level, and additional points are given when hiring if you have an OPIC level. In addition, it can be said that the OPIC test is essential, as even after hiring, an OPIC grade must be obtained. The OPIC grade required by Samsung is around IM3~IH. Depending on the level of English conversation usage, the minimum OPIC level required varies depending on the Samsung Group affiliate or job group. For Samsung research and development or technology positions, it is recommended to have an OPIC grade of IL or higher, and for management support or sales positions, obtaining an OPIC grade of IM or IH or higher is helpful for employment at Samsung. OPIC ratings are made based on absolute evaluation, not relative evaluation. Therefore, depending on how you prepare, you can obtain the grade you want in a short period of time. When you start studying OPIC, it is a good idea to study on your own using books such as Hackers OPIC or to prepare for OPIC by attending a famous language school. However, self-study is not easy, or you may not go to language schools often as time goes by. Since the OPIC test is related to speaking skills, it is helpful to speak or have conversations a lot in order to raise your OPIC grade in a short period of time. And if there is a mistake in a sentence, it is best to get it corrected right away. Therefore, it is often recommended to take online classes or use English over the phone. These days, you can study OPIC in three dimensions by using a dedicated app for English on the phone. So far, we have learned about OPIC grades and conversation levels. Since speaking skills are important, I found that it is advantageous to obtain a high OPIC grade. As it is important not only for getting a job at a large company like Samsung, but also for promotion or job change within the workplace, I hope that you can work at the company of your choice by preparing diligently for the OPIC exam. Brief summary of national employment support system types 1 and 2 Everyone wants to get a job because they need income to survive. Therefore, the government provides a variety of employment-related services to unemployed people and those seeking employment. middle-aged people solomonslibrary.tistory.com Employment stability and re-employment support through the Middle-aged Job Hope Center There are people who thought of the national pension as a retirement fund, but it is not enough to support their family, so they want to get a job. In particular, there are many policies to support youth employment, but there are almost no policies for employment of middle-aged people. solomonslibrary.tistory.com TEL. 02.1234.5678 / Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do © Kakao Corp.

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