와인 보관법, 먹다 남은 와인 보관 방법 How to store wine, how to store leftover wine

How to store leftover wine How to store leftover wine

와인 보관법
These days, if you visit large marts such as E-Mart, Homeplus, and Lotte Mart, or at wine stores, you can find wines with good value for money. I think that’s why it has become popular and easily accessible to anyone, but what should I do with the leftover wine after purchasing it? So, I will introduce a way to store leftover wine that even beginners can follow 🙂

와인 보관법

1. Store in a cool place.


First of all, the best temperature for storing wine is usually between 13 and 16 degrees for red wine and between 7 and 10 degrees for white wine. So, rather than storing it in the refrigerator, it is better to put it in the coolest shelf or drawer in the house. In particular, you need to be careful in the summer of wine storage, but if it is not damp and is not sensitive to temperature, you must choose storage cabinets and shelves! If there is no such place, in summer, you can adjust the temperature of the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator and drink the leftover wine within 2-3 days.

2. Lay down and store.


And when storing leftover wine, you should store it lying down, not upright! If you purchased the screw type, it is not difficult to store the leftover wine by laying it down, but if you purchased the cork type, you can purchase a wine stopper. Usually, wine stoppers are sold at Coupang or Daiso, but if you visit Daiso, you can purchase them at a low price of about 1-2,000 won and store wine, so there is no burden 🙂 do.

3. Store in a dark place.


One thing to keep in mind when storing wine is that wine is very sensitive to light and temperature! So, even when storing leftover wine, you should choose a cool and cool place, and you should also store wine in a place that is not exposed to light. Usually, wine is very vulnerable to direct sunlight, so it’s a good idea to store it on the top shelf out of light 🙂 It’s best to put it in a place that is as insensitive to temperature and light as possible.

4. Please keep the environment constant.


One final thing to note about how to store wine is that it doesn’t change the environment! In other words, if you carry leftover wine back and forth when storing it, or if the temperature or humidity is constantly changing, it can cause the taste to change. So, when storing leftover wine, we recommend the upper shelf, which has little movement and little change.

Learn how to store wine to properly manage leftover wine. This is a method that even beginners can easily challenge. If you are curious about how to store leftover wine, that is, how to store various food materials besides how to store wine, please check the link right below and let’s finish it.